JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta DPRD for the period 2024-2029 will immediately ratify regional regulations (perda) regarding the rules (tatib) of the DKI DPRD which will replace Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2020.

Deputy Chairperson of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Tatib Compilator Team, Jhonny Simanjuntak, explained that the draft methamphetamine had also been evaluated by the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri). The results of this evaluation will be presented to all members of the DKI Jakarta DPRD before being ratified in a plenary meeting.

"After this, we will just announce the results of the Ministry of Home Affairs' evaluation to members. What is rejected is our proposal and so on, it will only be finalized for ratification," said Jhonny in his statement, Tuesday, October 29.

Based on the results of the evaluation of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Jhonny admitted that there were a number of proposals that had not been accommodated. The results of the evaluation are an important part of the improvement of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Tatib.

"There are several points that are evaluated by the Ministry of Home Affairs. Things that are clearly limitative, regulated by the rules on them, must follow that. It should not conflict with that. The principle is like that," said Jhonny.

Jhonny continued, regional regulations must indeed refer to the provisions of the regulations above. This includes the DKI Jakarta DPRD Secretariat which must refer to higher laws and regulations.

"So that our legal products, both Perda and Tatib, do not conflict with the regulations in the DPRD," said Jhonny.

For information, the DPRD rules for the period 2024-2029 consist of 20 chapters and 244 articles. There are several additional chapters and articles in the DPRD Rules for the period 2024-2029. One of them is in the eighth part of the Committee for Household Affairs of the DKI Jakarta Provincial DPRD.

Article 116 states that the Household Affairs Committee (PURT) was formed by the DPRD and is a tool for DPRD equipment that changes once a year.

Meanwhile, in paragraph three concerning the procedures for carrying out the task of article 119 states that one of the tasks of PURT is to establish the general policy direction of managing the DPRD budget for each fiscal year and submit it to the DPRD secretary to be implemented.

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