JAKARTA - The Honorary Council of Election Organizers (DKPP) of the Republic of Indonesia has imposed permanent dismissal sanctions on members of the Riau Islands Province Bawaslu (Kepri) Khairurrijal for violating the election organizers' code of ethics (KEPP).

The sanctions for the permanent dismissal were read out in a trial reading the verdict of ten cases in the DKPP Courtroom, Jakarta, Monday, October 28.

"Imposing a permanent dismissal sanction on the defendant Khairurrijal as a member of the Riau Islands Bawaslu since this decision was read out," said Chairman of the Council Heddy Lugito while reading the verdict for cases number 229-PKE-DKPP/IX/2024 and 230-PKE-DKPP/IX/2024 reported by ANTARA.

In considering the decisions of the two cases, DKPP assessed that Khairurrijal did not meet the requirements as a member of Bawaslu because he was proven to be using narcotics.

Members of the Muhammad Tio Aliansyah Assembly said that the Directorate of Drug Investigation (Ditresnarkoba) of the Riau Islands Police raided Khairurrijal at a hotel in Batam City.

During the raid, one pill was found suspected of being the remains of narcotics that had been used by the defendant along with three of his colleagues.

In addition, it was revealed in the examination hearing based on the results of a urine test conducted by the Narcotics Directorate of the Riau Islands Police and the results of the assessment from the Riau Islands National Narcotics Agency stated that the defendant was proven to be a user of narcotics class I type ecstasy.

"That it is true that the defendant admitted that he had been using drugs since August 2023," said Muhammad Tio Aliansyah.

In this trial, DKPP read out the verdicts for ten cases involving 36 defendants. The sanctions imposed were the warning of eight people, the stern warning of five people, and the dismissal of one person.

Meanwhile, 22 other defendants were restored because they were not proven to have violated KEPP.

DKPP also read out the Decree for case Number 243-PKE-DKPP/X/2024. This decision was issued because the case was withdrawn by the complainant before being examined by the DKPP.

This trial was chaired by Heddy Lugito, who was accompanied by members of the J. Kristiadi Council and Muhammad Tio Aliansyah.

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