JAKARTA - The presence of the Galang Special Hospital for Infection (RSKI) was welcomed and appreciated positively by the people of Rempang and Galang. The Rempang area, which used to have only two health centers, in Rempang Cate and Galang, can now get more complete and affordable health services.

For almost a year since the reactivation of the RSKI on Galang Island, the community around Rempang and Galang began to feel the impact of the health services provided. The hospital, which used to be used as a center for handling COVID-19 patients, is now transforming to provide general health services for the community.

Over the past year, RSKI Galang has been actively conducting various socialization and health counseling activities, involving posyandu and local health centers, to home care services for people who have limited mobility, especially the elderly or those with special conditions.

In an effort to improve health facilities in the Rempang and Galang areas, Artha Graha Peduli through Arthakes involved the local community as health workers. Before joining, they were given training and adjusting the qualifications according to the standards needed.

I want to contribute to increasing awareness and health facilities for those around me who are still not optimal. I see that there are still many residents who need more education about the importance of maintaining health and preventing disease. My hope is that with facilities that continue to increase and the involvement of medical teams from local residents, access and public health awareness can be better," said Nia, an Arthakes health worker from Sintung, Sunday, October 27.

These programs not only support increased public awareness about the importance of maintaining health and providing access to better health services, but also help build new understanding among residents about the importance of preventing disease and a healthy lifestyle.

The reactivation of the RSKI by Artha Graha Peduli began with the signing of the cooperation on Friday, November 17, 2023, by Major General TNI Mochammad Hasan, Pangdam I/BB, and Fernaldi Anggadha representing Artha Graha Peduli.

"We strive to always be close to the community through socialization to health services, as well as home care services for residents who cannot seek treatment at the RSKI. Our approach is not only focused on treatment, but also on prevention, such as routine health checks and education on healthy lifestyles," explained dr. Aulia, medical personnel at Arthakes.

Mr. Burhan, an elderly person who gets home care services, feels very helped by this program. "In the past, if you wanted to seek treatment, you had to go all the way to the city, but now a team of doctors has come directly to the house. This is very helpful, especially for me, who has difficulty walking far away," he said.

In addition, increasing health awareness is also seen in the lifestyle of everyday residents. Many residents are now more concerned about healthy eating patterns and maintaining environmental hygiene. RSKI Galang not only provides health services, but also becomes an educational center that helps residents understand the importance of prevention rather than just treatment.

With increasing awareness, residents hope that RSKI Galang will continue to be present and have a positive impact on public health, especially in the Rempang and Galang areas. Programs such as health services and home care, as well as health socialization, are expected to continue so that more and more residents will feel the benefits.

With the facilities from the Galang Hospital, the people of Rempang, Galang, and surrounding areas are expected to find it easier to get the necessary health services, because various facilities, health workers, and public health services are available at the KIGalang Hospital.

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