YOGYAKARTA - Speaking of the world's largest country order, the largest country in the world today is Russia which has a total area of 17,098,242 km2 (square kilometers). Launching the Worldmeter page, the Russian area is equivalent to 11% of the total world's land area of 148,940,000 km2.

Areas that belong to parts of Russia spread across the continent of North Asia to Eastern Europe. Countries that have the widest territory in the world have a variety of landscapes, ranging from tundra in Siberia to taiga forests in the Kaukasus Mountains.

In addition to the fantastic natural scenery, Russia also has a wealth of history and cultural heritage. One example of a cultural heritage that became an icon of Russia, namely the Kremlin. This armed fort or palace is located in the Russian capital, Moscow.

The second position is occupied by Canada with an area of 9,984,670 km2. This Maple country has a land area of 9,093,510 km2 or 6.1% of the world's total land area. Natural landscapes in Canada are also quite diverse, including large forests, high mountains, large deserts, and steep coastlines.

Canada is a multicultural country and can be seen from its rapid artistic development and high quality of life in several cities, including Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.

The third position is occupied by a Chinese country with an area of 9,706,961 km2 and land reaching 9,388,211 km2. As one of the Asian giants, China has a very wide land with various terrains, ranging from the Himalayan mountains in the west to the fertile plains in the east.

Since thousands of years ago, Chinese culture can be seen from historical buildings such as the Great Wall of China (The Great Wall) and the Forbidden City (Forbidden City).

So, about Indonesia is one of the largest countries to what extent? Check out the list below.

Based on data quoted from the Statista page and released in March 2022, below is the list of the largest countries in the world seen based on its total area:

Thus, we know that the largest country number 1 is Russia, which has a total area of around 17 million km2. Meanwhile, Indonesia is the 15th largest country with a total area of 1,904,569 km2.

For information, the Statista data is based on the area of comparison of the total number of land areas and waters limited by international boundaries or coastlines.

That's a review of the largest country order in the world that can be known. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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