A mother and one child were found dead due to suicide at their house in Palumbonsari Village, East Karawang District, Karawang Regency, West Java.

Kapolsek Karawang Kota Kompol Senen Ali mengatakan, peristiwa gantung diri itu dilakukan oleh satu keluarga yang terdiri atau seorang ibu dan dua anaknya.

In that incident, the mother and child, each with the initials KS (29) and DA (9) were found dead. Meanwhile, one child with the initials DS 5 years old survived because his rope was loose from ties.

Senen Ali admitted that he did not know the motive for the suicide, and is still in the process of being investigated. He said the police received news of the incident after receiving a public report.

"When we arrived at the location, the position of the body had been taken down by the victim's husband, and it was immediately carried out by the TKP (the crime scene)," he said in Karawang, Antara, Thursday, October 24.

The bodies of the two victims have been evacuated to the Karawang Regional General Hospital (RSUD) for an autopsy. Regarding the trigger for the victim to hang himself, his party has not been able to provide more in-depth information.

It was stated that the police had processed the scene of the case, examined witnesses, including the victim's husband.

The head of the local RT, Endang, said that the suicide incident was first discovered by her husband, who had just returned from work.

"Her husband came home at 2 in the morning shocked to see his wife and child hanging himself," he said.

It was stated, when the victim KS (29) and her daughter DA (9) were found dead. Meanwhile, DS (6) the boy survived after the rope that tied him up was released.

The victim KS was found dead hanging on the room frame. Meanwhile, her two children DA and DS hung up on the kitchen frame. However, DS's son survived because the rope hanging on the room frame was released.

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