YOGYAKARTA - The history of the Military Academy or Magelang Military Academy began in the early days of independence and has produced alumni such as Prabowo Subianto and Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY). On October 24, 2024 or today, the newly appointed ministers of the Red and White Cabinet will undergo briefing at the Military Academy (Akmil) Magelang.

As reported by VOI, the briefing at the Military Academy (Akmil) of Magelang was carried out with the aim of equating the vision and steps that would be carried out by President Prabowo Subianto's cabinet, especially in the next 100 days. During the three days of retreat, ministers are expected to understand the programs that must be carried out and strengthen solidarity between them to support the government's performance.

Military Academy or Military Academy. (ANTARA/Rio Feisal)

This Academy was formed without careful preparation, relying solely on the enthusiasm and determination to produce armed force officers. MA Jogja was founded in the former Christelijke MULO (Muslim Middle School) building located in Kotabaru. The facilities available are also very limited. They study in used buildings and take advantage of simple equipment. Despite the difficulties, the spirit of the cadets is maintained.

On October 31, 1945, the Military Academy was formed in Jogja under the name Militaire Academie (MA). This was done on the orders of Lieutenant General TNI Oerip Soemohardjo. At that time, Indonesia was in a time of revolution.

The learning process took place in a state of disadvantage. Tables and chairs are not yet available, and they are required to sleep on the mat. As for uniforms, they use simple local woven fabrics. This experience eventually formed a high fighting spirit and character for cadets. In difficult circumstances, instructors struggled to provide education and training for them. This is what will then become the foundation for the upcoming Military Academy.

After graduating two batches, in 1950 MA Jogja was temporarily closed. This decision was taken for technical reasons. The third batch of cadets then continued their education at the Royal Military Academy in Breda, Netherlands.

During that period, various Emergency Officer Schools were established in several locations such as Malang and Salatiga. This aims to meet the growing needs of the Army.

Even though MA Jogja was closed, efforts to educate officers did not stop there. Other officer schools also appeared in various regions as a guarantee for the supply of officers needed by the Indonesian Army. However, the permanent need for the Military Academy is increasingly urgent.

After going through various processes, the National Military Academy (AMN) reopened in Magelang on November 11, 1957. This inauguration was carried out by President Soekarno as a continuation of the Jogja Supreme Court.

The cadets received that year were declared the fourth batch of cadets. The opening of AMN in Magelang is a sign of an important step in the history of military education in Indonesia. With a permanent academy, military education can be carried out in a more planned manner.

After the opening, facilities and curriculum began to improve. The educational process at AMN Magelang became more structured than when in Jogja. Experienced instructors are appointed to teach cadets military science. They provide the necessary knowledge and skills to become qualified officers. In addition, various tools and equipment have also begun to be improved and improved.

The cadets who are members of AMN Magelang get a more comprehensive education. Not only learning about military tactics and strategies, they also study the relevant general sciences. This makes them better prepared to face challenges on the ground.

In 1961, AMN Magelang was integrated with the Bandung Army Engineering Academy (ATEKAD). This integration aims to concentrate military education and build synergies between the two institutions. With this integration, officer training can be carried out more effectively. Resources and facilities can be used optimally to improve the quality of education.

On December 16, 1965, all force academies were integrated into the Armed Forces Academy of the Republic of Indonesia (AKABRI). With this reorganization, military education is increasingly planned and focused. It also facilitates the management and implementation of education in various generations. Despite the many changes, the main goal of printing quality officers remains the main principle.

However, on June 14, 1984, the Land Apparatus was changed to the Military Academy (AKMIL). This change returns to the focus on special education of army officers. The Military Academy is becoming popular as an institution that produces tough and skilled officers. Emphasis on the quality of education is also further strengthened.

On April 1, 1999, further developments occurred. The National Police were officially separated from other batches. This change marks a major change in the TNI structure. ABRI underwent a change of name to TNI, which prioritized the identity of each force. With this separation, the Police Academy also broke away from AKABRI.

The TNI Academy consists of three academies, namely AKMIL, AAL (Navy Academy), and AAU (Air Force Academy). Each academy has its goals and curriculum according to the needs of their batch, so that military education becomes more specific and focused. Since then, the Magelang Military Academy has been committed to producing a generation of quality officers.

That's a review of the history of Military Academy. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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