JAKARTA - A total of 12 Central PWI and Provincial PWI administrators were declared to have passed and were competent in the training on risk governance and compliance certification. This certification was held by the Central PWI together with PT Bataro Sinergi Nusantara (Basnus) and the Risk and Compliance Governance Professional Certification Institute (LSPTRK), located at the Tavia Heritage Hotel, Central Jakarta, on October 21-22, 2024. They will receive a certificate from the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP).

The 12 participants who graduated, among others, were the General Chairperson of the Central PWI Hendry Ch Bangun, Secretary General Iqbal Irsyad, Chairman of the Sayid Islandar Expert Council, Deputy General Treasurer Umi Sjahrifah, Chairman of the Organizational Division Irmanto Lukman, Deputy Chair of the Organizational Sector Hendra J Kede, Head of Cooperation and Partnership Division Tundra Meliala, Chairman of the Anti Hoax Task Force Budi Nugraha, Chairman of PWI North Sumiatra Farianda Sinik, Secretary of Monang, Acting Secretary of PWI Riau Eka Putra Nazir, and Acting Treasurer Satria.

The last day of training was filled by two testers, Dr. Ir. Kemal Harry S., MBA., GRCE, and Hardy R. Hermawan, S.Sos., M.S., who tested the participants' ability in risk management and compliance. This training lasted intensively for two days, with the first day of material delivered by Ir. Jermy Marmen, MS, M.Ec., M.Mgt., PhD., GRCE.

The participants welcomed the enthusiasm of this training. "It's a bit of a surprise. I never imagined to take an exam like this, let alone be declared competent. This test is very credible and weighted," said Head of the Central PWI Anti Hoax Task Force, Budi Nugraha after training, Tuesday, October 22.


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After passing, the participants officially hold the title of Government Risk Compliance Executive (GRCE), which indicates their ability to manage international standard risk management organizations.

"I am very happy that the Central PWI now has competent human resources in organizational governance according to GRC principles. As Deputy Chair of the Central PWI Organizational Sector, I am committed to implementing these principles at all levels of PWI management," said Hendra J Kede, who during the training looked very serious.

This training is expected to improve the knowledge of the participants and make them more structured in managing the organization, both in PWI and in the media where they take shelter.

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