JAKARTA - Former president of Albania Ilir Meta has been detained by police on charges of corruption.

Meta spokesman Tedi Blushi said the arrests were "inappropriate" and would be "cursed" by all patriotic and honest Albaniaans.

Blushi referred to a video shown by local media about police wearing masks stopping black cars during the arrest process.

"This government will suffer the consequences on every street and in every square," Blushi said.

There has been no immediate comment from SPAK, a special prosecution office formed to combat corruption and organized crime.

But Tirana-based online media, Reporter, said Meta was accused of corruption, money laundering, and hiding its wealth. Other media reported the same allegations.

Meta's lawyer, Genci Gjokutaj, confirmed the arrest on corruption charges, but he denied it. He gave no further details.

Meta (55) served as president of Albania from 2017 to 2022, and previously served as prime minister and chairman of parliament.

He is not the only opposition figure facing criminal charges.

On September 30, supporters of the largest opposition group, the Democratic Party, burned wooden seats outside parliament in protest after one of the party's politicians, Ervin Salianji, was jailed for one year on charges he called politically motivated.

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