JAKARTA - The 20th Pencak Silat World Championship and the 5th Pencak Silat Junior World Championship were officially held in Abu Dhabi, precisely at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center (ADNEC) on 18-22 December 2024.
About 1,100 athletes, coaches, referees, and officials from more than 55 countries will participate, making this championship one of the biggest meetings in the world of martial arts.
"The World Championship of Pencak Silat shows Indonesia's real partnership with the UAE, thank you for the support of the Minister of Sports of the UAE, His Majesty Ahmad Belhoul Al Falasi, this event affirms our shared commitment to preserving cultural heritage through sports," said the Indonesian Ambassador to the UAE Husin Bagis, quoting ANTARA, Saturday, December 14.
The opening of the championship is scheduled for December 18, 2024, by inviting the President of the Republic of Indonesia as well as the President of the Alliance of Inter-National Pencak Silat (Persilat) Prabowo Subianto.
In addition, there were also a number of officials invited to attend, including the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs as well as the Deputy for Persilat and Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI) Sugiono, the Minister of Youth and Sports of Indonesia Dito Ariotedjo, and the Chairman of the Indonesian Olympic Committee Raja Sapta Oktohari.
From the UAE, Sports Minister Ahmad Belhoul Al Falasi is expected to attend with officials from the UAE Sports for All Federation and the Abu Dhabi Sports Council.
At the opening ceremony, a special performance is planned by around 100 Indonesian pencak silat experts, who will feature the arts and sports of pencak silat which UNESCO has recognized in 2019 as the Cultural Heritage of Humanitarian Intangibles from Indonesia.
The making of Abu Dhabi as the host of the Pencak Silat World Championship began with an initiative from the Indonesian Embassy in Abu Dhabi with the UAE Pencak Silat Community.
With the approval of the Minister of Sports of the UAE and Persilat, with the support of the Abu Sports Council and the UAE Sports for All Federation, this championship was then held with logistics management handled by EO Palm Sports.
This championship will feature art categories (articles) and matches (matches). This Championship is supervised by PERSILAT to ensure compliance with international Pencak Silat standards.
In addition to being a platform for global competitions, this championship will also be a vehicle to strengthen relations between Indonesia and the UAE through sports.
In addition, this event is also a strategic step towards the inclusion of pencak silat at the 2032 Brisbane Olympics, after appearing as an exhibition branch at the 2024 Paris Olympics.
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