"I have said, we must dare to face and eradicate corruption by improving the system, by upholding strict law, by digitizing it," Prabowo said in his speech.

"Insyaallah, kita akan kurangi korupsi dengan signifikan," sambungnya.

Prabowo mengatakan, pemberantasan korupsi bisa dimulai dari para pejabat hingga pemimpin lembaga yang memberikan contoh menjalankan kepemimpinan dengan bersih. Dia pun menekankan agar pejabat pemerintahan menjalankan tugas dengan sebersih-bersihnya.

"But we have to do this, all elements of the leadership must set an example of ingarso sing tulodo. Ladies and gentlemen, there is a saying that if the fish becomes rotten, the rot starts from the head," said Prabowo.

"All officials, from all echelons, and all levels must set an example to carry out the cleanest government leadership. Starting with examples from above and after that, strict and strict law enforcement," he concluded.

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