JAKARTA - Members of the Indonesian House of Representatives for the period 2024-2029 have been inaugurated. Many young figures filled seats in the representative people's building. So, what is the public's hope for these new members of the DPR?

As is known, the inauguration of this DPR member was carried out on October 1, 2024 at the DPR Building, Senayan, Jakarta. Of the 580 members of the DPR who were inaugurated, some of them were young people. Call it Farah Puteri Nahlia, Muhammad Rahul to Hillary Brigitta Lasut.

The voices of hope were also conveyed by the community. People from various circles hope that these representatives of the people will fulfill their promises.

One of these hopes was conveyed by a teacher named Suwanto Rusdi. He hopes that this new DPR member will fulfill his promise while campaigning.

"Hopefully those there can fight for the aspirations of the people who may be voters, who at that time listened to the delivery of their vision and program. That's my hope," he said, Monday (7/10/2024).

He wants to oversee the promises of these new members of the DPR. Especially when they have sat on their respective commissions.

"If it has been inaugurated, then fulfill the promise as promised. Later you will sit in each commission," he said.

The hope was expressed by the public from among students. A student named Putri Sahra, hopes that the new DPR members will not follow in the flow or follow in the footsteps of her parents.

"Hopefully from there, these young people don't follow the flow. Hopefully they have their own stance. They don't follow the flow of their parents first," he said.

As for other hopes, Putri wants the voice of young people to be heard more. Especially now that freedom of expression is a crucial issue among young people.

"Maybe the problem now is about young people, namely expressing opinions. So now young people like to express opinions. So in my opinion, I hope this opinion is heard and reviewed correctly. So it can be more accepted," he explained.

In addition, he wants young people's needs to be considered. He gave an example of licensing problems for young people's entertainment events to decent housing problems.

"Because there are more young people, I believe there are more who voice young people. For entertainment, the permits for young people are easier. Or it is easier for young people to live in. Especially now that houses have fantastic prices," he said.

The same thing was also conveyed by Mufid who is also a student. He wants the changes made by new DPR members according to the needs of young people.

"Hopefully they will be here, they can bring changes that suit young people. From the beginning, the policies that are felt by young people are very young," he said.

He also hopes that the presence of young people in the DPR can make young people care about politics. "And hopefully it can bring young people to be aware of politics," he added.

Mufid believes this young man can bring change. He mentioned the problem of job opportunities for young people.

"From me, I'm sure, because they are the same age and the same age as me. And this is a new wind. Mainly the problem of job opportunities. Moreover, the job opportunities in young people are getting more and more types," he explained.

Not only from among students, a young entrepreneur named Affan Sudirman also expressed similar hopes. He also mentioned the needs of young people. One of them is green open space.

"There are many events that can be made in green open spaces, I believe that if this open space is utilized properly, we are the lower and middle class people, we can gather," he said.

Affan hopes that the new DPR members will also want to focus on housing issues. Because this problem has been homework for the DPR for a long time.

"Then the problem with the house, it seems like it's a problem from the start. And this is the homework of the DPR and the government," he said.

Meanwhile, social observer Davis Roganda Parlindungan discussed the concept of development. He hopes that the new DPR members will no longer use the concept of top down development.

"The direction to the future of the DPR has one concept for development. So so far our development has been top down, so it has directed community participation," he said.

"Because if it is a top down, it means that people are only spectators. They only accept development," he continued.

According to him, this development that was not right on target occurred because of the concept of a top down. Therefore, he wants members of the DPR who have just changed their paradigm.

"Many developments are not on target. So it is necessary to change the paradigm in the DPR, which can build a budget concept and supervision," he said.

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