JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya started holding Operation Zebra Jaya today. A total of 2,939 were involved in the activity of taking action against traffic rules.

"The total number of personnel involved in the 2024 Zebra Jaya Ops is 2,939 personnel consisting of 1,570 regional police personnel and 1,369 police personnel," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi to reporters, Monday, October 14.

Operation Zebra Jaya was held to realize security, safety, order, and smooth traffic. The operation was also held to make the presidential and vice presidential election a success which is planned to be held on October 20.

"We will start carrying out this operation from 14-27 October 2024," he said.

Ade conveyed through Ops Zebra Jaya 2024 in order to support the successful inauguration of the elected president or vice president. As well as inviting the public to order traffic for the realization of a safe and comfortable Kamseltibcarlantas.

"In the implementation of the Zebra Jaya Ops in 2024, there will be no stationary operating points, meaning that the Ditlantas ranks of all roads in the jurisdiction of the Polda Metro Jaya will be carried out by prioritizing Preemptive and preventive and law enforcement efforts," said Ade.

It is known, there are a total of 14 operational targets in this year's Zebra Operation. Here are 14 violations:

1. Installing rotators and sirens is not intended

2. Control of the ranmor using a secret plate or service plate

3. Drivers of underage motorized vehicles

4. Vehicles against the flow

5. Driving under the influence of alcohol

6. Using a cellphone while driving

7. Driving does not use a safety belt or safety belt

8. Exceeding the speed limit

9. More than one motorcycle rides

10. Four-wheeled vehicles or more unfit for roads

11. Four-wheeled vehicles or more are not equipped with standard equipment

12. Two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicles are not equipped with STNK

13. Violating the road or shoulder marker

14. Diplomatic TNKB abuse.

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