JAKARTA Applications under the auspices of Meta get many new features in 2024, including WhatsApp. This messaging platform is even more sophisticated thanks to the presence of Meta AI chatbots.
The year 2024 is the golden year for mobile WhatsApp applications, both on Android and iOS devices. This is supported by the number of updates that Meta releases every month, both small and large-scale updates.
If detailed, there are too many features or improvements that this platform got last year. However, to summarize this, here's a list of the best WhatsApp updates throughout 2024, citing from WABetaInfo.
Best WhatsApp Improvement In 2024
The Stiker Editor feature became one of the best last year because users no longer need to rely on third-party apps. If they want to create stickers from the memes they find on other platforms, they can create them in the app.
The WhatsApp status layout display has also been updated, making it easier for users to peek at the status of friends or relatives from outside, similar to the status on Facebook. With this change, the status display becomes more intuitive and visually interesting.
The typing and recording indicators have also been updated last year. If previously the user would see the user typing at the top of the screen, precisely under the user or group name, now the appearance is clearer because it is in the chat room.
While someone is typing in the chat room, their profile photo will be visible above the message bar with a corrugated dot animation. The next most interesting update for the WhatsApp platform is Meta AI.
At the end of last month, Meta AI was tested and expanded in a stable version to users around the world. With the addition of chatbots in this chat room, users can directly ask questions without the need to switch applications.
The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)