YOGYAKARTA The public needs to know the Honorary Title of Loka Praja Samrakshana. The title was given in the form of a medal given by the National Police to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). The awarding of the honorary medal was held today, Monday, October 14 at Mako Brimob Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java.

Reporting from the official police news website, Karopenmas Divhumas Polri, Brigadier General Pol Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko explained that the Samrakshana Polri Loka Praja medal was one of the awards of honor. The title of honor was given by the National Police to figures who were considered to have played a major role in developing the Bhayangkara Corps organization.

The same thing was said by linguistic expert from the University of Indonesia (UI) Atin Fitriana. The term Loka Praja Samrakshana comes from Sanskrit. The term can be interpreted as protection for society, nation and state.

"In general, the words loka and praja can refer to the same thing, namely the state and the people. However, the meaning of the place is only owned by the word loka. In this case loka can mean a country as an region, while praja can mean a nation or society," explained Atin, quoted from Tribratanews, Monday, October 14.

As explained earlier, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was awarded a medal in honor of Loka Praja Samrakshana. The handover of the title was held at the Mobile Brigade Corps Command Headquarters (Moko Brimob), Kelapa Dua, Depok, Monday, October 14, 2024.

The handover of the Samrakshana Loka Praja medal to Jokowi was carried out directly by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. The handover of the honor is based on the Decree of the National Police Chief number Kep/1723/X/2024 concerning the Honorary Sign of Public Security and Safety.

On the same occasion, President Jokowi also received the title as an honorary citizen of Brimob at the Mobile Brigade Corps Command Headquarters (Moko Brimob). The handover of the Brimob honorary title to Jokowi was based on the Decree of the Dankorbrimob number Kep/114/IX/2019 regarding the Brimob tradition.

In addition to knowing the Honorary Title of Loka Praja Samrakshana, visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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