JAKARTA - Artist Sandra Dewi rejected the request of the Attorney General's Office (AGO) investigators to hand over her engagement ring and marriage which was allegedly the result of the defendant Harvey Moeis' money laundering crime (TPPU) in the alleged tin corruption case.

The disclosure of this began with Chief Judge Eko Aryanto mentioning whether or not there was a confiscation by investigators but it had not been confirmed directly in court.

"Is there anything else I haven't asked?" asked Judge Eko during a trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Thursday, October 10.

"There are a lot of things," replied Sandra.

"No, (it means) what has not been confiscated by the Prosecutor's Office, which I have not asked," said Judge Eko.

"No, Your Majesty. Anyway, nothing was given to me by my husband because...," said Sandra.

"Not even one?" Judge Eko said.

At that time, Sandra Dewi said that investigators had wanted to confiscate her engagement ring and marriage

However, Harvey Moeis' wife refused to hand it over. The reason is, the ring has a big meaning in his life.

"There is Your Majesty. Wedding ring and engagement ring," Sandra replied.

"Still there now?" continued the judge.

"Still. I don't want to be confiscated, I don't give it," Sandra said.

For information, in the Timah corruption case, Harvey Moeis was charged with being involved in the alleged corruption of tin governance which caused a loss of Rp. 300 trillion.

In addition, Sandra Dewi's husband was also charged with money laundering (TPPU). Because, in the series of alleged corruption, Harvey Moeis received Rp420 billion.

In this case, Harvey Moeis was charged with Article 2 paragraph (1) and Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of the Anti-Corruption Law in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code and Article 3 of 2010 concerning Money Laundering.

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