JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta District Court (PN) is processing a request for reconsideration (PK) submitted by Jessica Kumala Wongso, a convict in the murder case of Wayan Mirna Salihin, against a decision handed down by the Supreme Court (MA).

Head of Public Relations of the Central Jakarta District Court, Zulkifli Atjo, explained that Jessica's PK file had officially entered the Central Jakarta District Court system on October 9, 2024 with file number No.7/Akta.Pid.B/2024/PN.Jkt.Pst.

"The chairman of the Central Jakarta District Court will appoint the panel of judges in charge of examining the PK application, and then it will be sent to the Supreme Court for further processing," Atjo said when contacted in Jakarta on Thursday, October 10.

He also said that the panel of judges who will handle the case will be announced one day after the application is submitted.

In addition, Atjo added that the public prosecutor will also be given the opportunity to provide a response regarding the PK application. If in the PK application it is found that there is novum (new evidence or facts), then the novum oath will be carried out before further processing to the Supreme Court.

"If all the files are complete, then they will then be sent to the Supreme Court for decision," he added.

Previously, Otto Hasibuan, Jessica Wongso's legal adviser, revealed that the review proposal (PK) was made because his party found new evidence and there was an error in the judge's previous decision.

Otto insists his client remains innocent on the charges brought against him and hopes that the Supreme Court declares Jessica innocent.

He also emphasized that the PK application is the right given to every individual who feels that he has not made the alleged mistake. With this PK, Otto hopes that Jessica's good name and dignity can be restored.

The Directorate General of Corrections at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights has announced that Jessica Wongso will be released from her condition starting Sunday, August 18, 2024.

As a convict who gets conditional free status, Jessica is required to continue reporting and undergoing guidance until 2032.

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