CENTRAL LAMPUNG - An argument over household problems, a husband in Central Lampung Regency, Lampung, went dark and shot his wife with a firearm. As a result of the shooting, the victim suffered a gunshot wound to his right arm.

The husband and wife Muhammad Rifai (24 years) and Yeni Jalia (20 years) quarrels led to the shooting that occurred in their yard on Tuesday last week at around 08.00 WIB.

In the CCTV footage installed at the scene, the perpetrator can be seen shooting his wife who is leaving on a motorbike. Seeing his wife injured in the arm, the perpetrator panicked and asked for help.

Neighbors of the victims who were around the scene immediately provided help and took the victim to the hospital. After the victim was helped by residents, the perpetrator then fled.

After being on the run for three days, the perpetrator then turned himself in to the Central Lampung Police on Thursday night at around 20.40 WIB. The perpetrator surrendered after the Central Lampung Police coordinated with community leaders and the perpetrator's family.

In the shooting case carried out by the perpetrators, the police confiscated evidence including one homemade firearm, one bullet, firearms sarong, four CCTV cameras (iP Cam), a number of sharp weapons of the type of machete and one video recording showing the shooting incident.

From the results of the examination, it was known that before the shooting incident occurred, the victim and the perpetrator often quarreled. A quarrel and quarrel between the perpetrator and the victim was triggered by a third party.

The perpetrator is known to have an affair with another woman. This caused the perpetrator and the victim often quarreled and never found a way out, thus making the suspect emotional. The suspect finally darken his eyes and shot his own wife.

The perpetrator is known to have languished in prison for 1 year and 10 months in a case of violent theft (Curas) or motorcycle robbery in 2020.

The perpetrator's investigator admitted to shooting his wife consciously and not under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Central Lampung Police Chief AKBP Andik Purnomo Sigit said that at the time of the incident the perpetrator and the victim were first involved in a fuss of argument. Then the husband immediately took out and fired his short-barreled firearm at the victim.

"The bullet fired by the perpetrator hit the victim YJ's right arm. After that, the victim was rushed to the nearest clinic by local residents. Then the victim was referred at the Marium Medical Center Hospital," Andik said in his statement, Tuesday, October 8.

Andik explained that the firearms used by the perpetrators were confirmed to be illegal, which were allegedly made locally.

"The firearms owned by the perpetrators are suspected to be local and illegal. We will investigate the origin of the firearms," said Andik.

Andik revealed that apart from illegal firearms, the police also found one live bullet from the perpetrator's house. Meanwhile, when shooting his wife, the perpetrator used one bullet.

"The results of the doctor's examination showed that the bullets fired at the wife made the scars penetrated with a hole estimated at a diameter of 1 centimeter and penetrated 2.5 centimeters," said Andik.

The Lampung Police are still investigating the origin of the homemade firearms used by the perpetrators to shoot his own wife.

For further investigation, the perpetrator is currently being held at the Central Lampung Police. The police charged the perpetrator with multiple articles.

The perpetrator Muhammad Rifai was charged with Article 44 paragraph (2) of Law no. 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence (KDRT) and Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951 concerning the Illegal Use of Firearms and Sharp Weapons.

For domestic violence, the perpetrators face a maximum sentence of 10 years and for illegal possession of firearms, the perpetrators face a sentence of 20 years in prison.

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