JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) plans to propose the revocation of the Wanted List (DPO) status for corruption suspects for the issuance of Sjamsul Nursalim's Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Certificate (SKL).

This submission is made after the anti-gas commission has issued the Order to Stop Investigation (SP3) of the case.

"Because it has been terminated, the status (Sjamsul Nursalim, red) is no longer a suspect," said Acting Spokesperson for Enforcement Ali Fikri in a written statement, Saturday, April 3.

Apart from Sjamsul, a similar revocation will also be carried out against his wife who is also a suspect in this case, namely Itjih Nursalim.

However, Ali said, the process certainly could not be carried out carelessly considering that there were certain mechanisms that had to be carried out. "It needs an administrative mechanism, and the KPK will do it," he said.

For information, the KPK determined Sjamsul to be included in the wanted list (DPO) in August 2019. This was done after Sjamsul and Itjih Nursalim were absent twice from the investigators' summons on June 28, 2019 and June 19, 2019.

At that time, the two of them were summoned to be investigated as suspects in the alleged corruption case against the issuance of SKL BLBI.

Previously reported, the KPK officially stopped the investigation into the corruption case in the issuance of a Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Certificate (SKL). In addition, the anti-graft commission provided an opportunity to stop investigations into other old cases.

Through a press conference, KPK Deputy Chairman Alexander Marwata stated that the SKL BLBI corruption case involved three people, namely Sjamsul Nursalim and his wife, Itjih Nursalim and Syafruddin Arsyad Tumenggung. This is the first time that the KPK has issued a Letter of Termination of Investigation and Prosecution (SP3) in investigating a corruption case.

"We announce the termination of the investigation regarding the alleged corruption crime committed by the suspect SN (Sjamsul Nursalim) as the controlling shareholder of Bank Dagang Nasional (BDNI) and ISN (Itjih Sjamsul Nursalim), together with SAT (Syafruddin Arsyad Tumenggung) as chairman of IBRA, "Alex said as quoted from the KPK RI YouTube account, Thursday, April 1.

He explained, the termination of this investigation was based on Article 40 of the Corruption Eradication Commission Law Number 19 of 2019. As law enforcers, said Alex, of course the anti-graft commission must obey it.

He also said that the issuance of the Letter of Termination of Investigation and Prosecution (SP3) was also carried out as a form of providing legal certainty in accordance with applicable regulations. "As mandated by Article 5 of the Corruption Eradication Commission Law, namely in carrying out its duties and authorities the KPK is based on the principle of legal certainty," he said.

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