TANGERANG - A father with the initials RA (36) in Tangerang has the heart to sell his 11-month-old baby to someone else. He sold the baby for IDR 15 million.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tangerang City Metro Police, Kompol David Yanuar Kanito, said that apart from arresting the victim's father, his party also secured the baby buyer, namely a husband and wife couple with the initials HK and MON.

"The perpetrators HK and MON were arrested on Thursday night, October 3, after previously arresting perpetrator RA on Tuesday, October 1," David said in his statement, Friday, October 11.

David explained that the incident began when the victim's father saw a couple's upload looking for a child on behalf of MON or Oktavis. He continued, RA was tempted by the information, then he contacted MON to make a promise to meet.

"The perpetrator RA, who is the biological father of this baby, took the victim who was previously treated and entrusted to his mother-in-law for him to take him to Tangerang. With the excuse of going to a relative's place," he said.

Arriving at the specified location, the transaction was carried out. The child is sold for Rp. 15 million by his father who is suspected of being stressed.

According to David, the perpetrator sold his son without the knowledge of the victim's biological mother, who worked in Kalimantan and was desperate for economic needs.

"When he returned to Jakarta and his biological mother asked her husband RA about his whereabouts, he answered that he was in Tangerang. However, he suspected that the victim's mother had continued to urge the perpetrator, and finally he said that his son had been sold to someone in Tangerang for Rp. 15 million since August 20, 2024," he explained.

Hearing this, continued David, the victim's biological mother RD immediately made a police report at the Tangerang City Metro Police.

"Information that the child under five is in a rented house in the Neglasari area, with the husband and wife HK and MON. During interrogation, the two admitted to buying the child under five worth Rp. 15 million from RA by meeting in the area on the edge of the Cisadane river, Sukasari, Tangerang City," explained David.

Caption: The location of the baby buying and selling transaction in Tangerang City/Photo:Special/Police

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