Head of the Supervision Coordinator Task Force (Korsup) Region V KPK Dian Patria said the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) had revoked the sea space utilization permit (PRL) belonging to PT Tiara Cipta Nirwana (TCN) which distilled seawater into clean water in the Gili Trawangan area, North Lombok Regency.

"So, the permit was revoked on September 27, 2024 yesterday, only, the PRL was revoked," said Dian Patria in Mataram, Antara, Friday, October 4.

If PT TCN is still distributing clean water to the people in Gili Trawangan, Dian questions this.

"Yes, maybe there is still a distribution permit, but the question must be where to get the water source from. If the distribution is from land, there is no business, from the sea, the permit has been revoked," he said.

Dian emphasized that the KPK was aware of the revocation of the PRL permit belonging to PT TCN in accordance with the notification letter from the KKP.

"What was issued was (the letter of revocation of the PRL permit) of the Director General of PKRL (Directorate General of Marine Management and Marine Space) of the KKP. On June 7, 2024, the KKP sealed it because there was a violation from PT TCN," he said.

Dian further ensured that the KPK would continue to monitor developments in the handling of cases of alleged destruction of the marine ecosystem due to drilling activities belonging to PT TCN in Gili Trawangan waters.

"We are monitoring it. As far as I know, the KKP is now calculating the loss of the marine ecosystem, which covers an area of 5,000 square meters (a impact of marine ecosystem damage)," he said.

Related to this, the Head of the Marine Supervision Team for Marine Resources and Fisheries Supervision (PSDKP) Benoa Meisal Rachdiana admitted that he had not received any information from the center, considering that the handling of the PT TCN case is now under the control of the Law Enforcement Sector (Gakkum) of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP).

"I just got this information, let me check first to the center (KKP)," said Meisal.

In the case of PT TCN, Meisal previously said that PSDKP had submitted data on the results of an internal meeting with the Kupang National Water Conservation Area (BKKPN) to the Director General of PKRL KKP in early August 2024.

In the data sent, Meisal said that his party had provided information about an increase in the area of mud distribution in the one month period starting from 8 May-9 July 2024 from 1,660 to 2,364 square meters.

PSDKP also provides recommendations for a re-data collection regarding the increase in the area of mud distribution in Gili Trawangan waters.

From that recommendation, PSDKP asked the Director General of PKRL KKP regarding technical directions from the implementation of re-data collection.

Meisal ensured that the request for direction was submitted to strengthen PSDKP's steps in implementing administrative sanctions against PT TCN.

The installation of a pipe belonging to PT TCN that stuck from land to the seabed resulted in pollution of silt deposits. From the results of the BKKPN analysis, it is strongly suspected that it came from the former installation of a pipe belonging to TCN.

PT TCN is a private company that collaborates with PDAM Amerta Dayan Gunung, North Lombok Regency, in providing clean water in the Gili Trawangan tourist area.

The company provides clean water from sea water distillation by applying the "Sea Water Reverse Osmosis" (SWRO) method.

The case of marine ecosystem damage in Gili Trawangan waters which is suspected to be the impact of the installation of pipes belonging to PT TCN is also included in the handling of the NTB Police.

The police handled the case based on a follow-up to a community group report from Surak Agung, North Lombok.

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