Rokan HULU - Rokan Hulu Police, Riau Province, is hunting for a local state prosecutor's detainee who escaped from a car that was traveling on his way to the Class II B Pasir Pengaraian Penitentiary. From the car the inmates threw themselves into the river.

The Head of the Rokan Hulu Police, AKBP Budi Setyono, said the officers were still trying to find the whereabouts of the perpetrators. Meanwhile, the personnel on duty at that time the escape of detainees last Wednesday will be investigated.

"We can secure the prayers for the escaped prisoners," he said when confirmed from Pekanbaru, Antara, Friday, October 4.

Budi promised that if later the members were proven to have taken actions that were not in accordance with standard operating procedures, his party would take firm steps. His party will process this incident both criminally and according to the rules.

The police chief explained that the perpetrator with the initials AS fled by desperate to throw himself into the river when the car crossed the Batang Lubuh River Bridge. At that time the detainee was escorted by the Rohul Police Narcotics Investigation Unit personnel to be escorted to the Class II B Pasir Pengaraian Prison.

Because it was stage II, according to the prosecutor's request, at around 14:38 WIB the prisoners began to be taken by officers. However, when crossing the bridge, the US recklessly opened the left car door and threw itself into the river.

"After throwing himself, he swam along the current of the Batang Lubuh River in handcuffs," explained AKBP Budi.

Not standing still, the two police personnel immediately tried to chase down prisoners by following the river, but the US was not found.

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