TANGERANG The action of Suherizal burning himself became the attention of residents of Jalan Pondok Kacang, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang, Wednesday night, October 2. Moreover, the action was carried out close to the gas station. Worried about a fire bridge.

Likewise, residents who panic see an unbiased sight like that. Some residents try to help extinguish the fire.

Rendi, one of the online motorcycle taxis (ojol), said that at the time of the incident he was waiting for passengers. Rendi was shocked that someone caught fire. Suddenly he saw the incident he immediately tried to extinguish the fire in the victim's body.

Rendi admitted that he took the water he had. Even up to the fence shop (warteg) to collect water to extinguish the fire.

"Just as soon as possible. Anyway, just take what is near us," said Rendi when met at the location, Thursday, October 3.

Rendi admitted that he did not think at all if there was an APAR at the Pondok Kacang gas station. According to him, at that time he was careless because he panicked when he saw someone burning while screaming in pain.

"I didn't think about it. I didn't think at all there was an APIR at the Gas Station," he said.

After the incident, the victim was taken by police officers to the hospital for medical treatment.

Untungnya ada polisi, dia lagi mau beli BBasi. Dia enggak jadi beli BBasi. Langsung dibawa ke rumah sakit, ucapnya.

Suherizal attempted suicide by burning himself using gasoline, in front of Pondok Kacang Timur gas station, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang, Wednesday, October 2. Information said the action was carried out after he had an argument with his wife.

Riki, one of the local residents, explained that Suherizal tried to burn himself at night.

"Yes, last night. At 22.30 WIB, if I'm not mistaken. Because of an argument with his wife," Riki said when met at the location, Thursday, October 3.

Riki said that at first Suherizal and his wife were on Jalan Raya Pondok Kacang. Suddenly Suherizal ran to buy retail gasoline. Then poured it on his body until it finally set himself on fire.

"He burned it using the lighter. Then his body burned. We saw it directly, "he said.

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