JAKARTA - A total of 11 members of the National Police were questioned by the Propam Polda Metro Jaya following the forced disbandment of the discussion of the Indonesian Forum (FTA) at the Grand Kemang Hotel, Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta, last Saturday, September 28.

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indardi, detailed that there were 11 members of the National Police consisting of the Mampang Prapatan Police, including the Head of the Edy Purwanto Police, the South Jakarta Metro Police to the Polda Metro Jaya.

"Until now, the Propam Bid Polda Metro Jaya has conducted an examination of 11 members," Ade Ary told reporters at Polda Metro Jaya, Monday, September 30.

Not only from members of the National Police, but there were two civilians who were also investigated by the Propam Division of the Polda Metro Jaya.

"And there are two people who were also investigated by Bid Propam, namely security officers and hotel manager Grand Kemang," he said.

Barisan Pro Demokrasi mengeluarkan pernyataan sikap setelah terjadinya aksi pembubaran diskusi Forum Tanah Air (FTA) di Hotel Grand Kemang, Jakarta Selatan, 28 September 2024.

There are 3 points listed in the letter in PDF format. One of them is strongly condemning the neglect carried out by the police at the time of the incident.

We strongly condemn the omission carried out by the police for acts of thuggery in the dissolution of the discussion. Police officers should be quick to take action to protect discussion activities as the right of citizens to gather and express themselves. Police officers who allow acts of coercion have violated their duties, and deserve to be subject to action/sanctions because they have neglected their duties. In order to emphasize that the main task of the police according to the law is to maintain security and order. Not the other way around! "The contents of the statement of the Pro-Democracy Barisan Attitude, received by VOI.

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