JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo paid a working visit (kunker) to North Sulawesi (Sulut), Thursday, April 1. The National Police Chief during his visit, Sigit conducted a direct visit to the church in North Sulawesi to ensure security ahead of the celebration of Good Friday or the death of Jesus Christ.

Sigit visited the Cathedral Church and the Minahasa Christian Church, North Sulawesi. This was done in order to create a sense of security for Christians to undergo worship at the commemoration of the death of Jesus Christ and Easter.

"We ensure that we worship in areas that are predominantly Christian and have many churches," said Sigit in a written statement, Jakarta, Thursday, April 1.

Just to note, the number of churches in North Sulawesi Province is 5,279 Protestant places of worship and 295 churches for Catholic Christians.

This area is also seen in terms of the percentage of religions that are embraced by the community, among others, Islam 30 percent, Christianity 64 percent and other religions 6 percent.

Apart from visiting the church, Sigit also had time to directly observe the implementation of the Covid-19 mass vaccination at the North Sulawesi Police Headquarters today. This vaccination was followed by Police personnel and the surrounding community.

"Today, as many as 204 personnel and 60 people from the general public from the Puskesmas carry out the COVID-19 vaccination," said Sigit.

Sigit explained, as many as 8,053 personnel in North Sulawesi who had received the first phase of vaccination. Of these, 1,617 personnel had already carried out the second phase of vaccination, which means that it had already reached 20.07 percent.

"In the implementation of this vaccination, there were 25 Polri vaccinators assisted by 12 vaccinators from health centers," he said.

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