BOGOR - The candidate pair for Mayor of Bogor (Cawalot) 2024-2029 Atang Trisnanto-Anida Allivia received support from the IPB University Alumni Family or abbreviated IPB River (XIPB) by forming an IPB Alumni Family Volunteer to Win ATANG-ANIDA (REALITA).

Chairman of XIPB Agus Minora in Bogor City, Monday, September 30, invited all IPB University alumni to join as Atang-Anida volunteers who are purely IPB.

Atang Trisnanto or now known as Kang Atang is purely from IPB. Graduated from S1, S2 to S3 from IPB. His wife, his son and IPB alumni. As an IPB alumni, Atang has successfully served in Bogor City as chairman of the DPRD, we believe he is able to become the Mayor who makes Bogor Comfortable for all, "said Agus.

Atang Trisnanto's undergraduate education rating is IPB University Forestry S1, IPB University IPB Economics S2 and IPB University Forestry S3. Apart from being at the academic level, Atang is also active as president of IPB 2001-2002 students.

In the political field, Atang started by becoming an expert member of Commission IV of the DPR RI in 2004-2009. Then became an Expert Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia for Public Services in 2009.

Agus said that XIPB through REALITA will fully support one of the best sons of IPB University Atang Trisnanto from the end of generation X who is still young and productive with a series of academic achievements, student organizations, brilliant political careers and making vision and mission suitable for building the city of Bogor.

According to him, the program carried by the Atang and Anrida pairs is very attractive and Realistic, namely with the vision of Bogor Comfortable for All who carry the mission of Comfortable Services, namely Bogor Smart System, Hotline Complaint 24 Hours, Ngariung at the same time, Improved Regional Services.

There is also Comfortable Rezeknya including Bogor working with 40,000 new jobs and Bogor Creative Economy.

Agus is of the view that the Declaration of Volunteers for the Alumni Family of IPB Wins Atang-Anida (REALITA) in the 2024 Bogor City Pilkada which is enthusiastic about alumni in Making Coffee, Jalan Sanggabuana, Central Bogor District on Sunday (29/9/2024) indicates that Atang Trisnanto is indeed a young figure who is a role model for others.

IPB, he said, already has approximately 200 thousand alumni, some of whom work in Bogor City as bureaucrats, community leaders, researchers, businessmen and officials, and some become Bogor 2024-2029 cawalkots now. Not a few of them have also become residents of Bogor City and have families in Bogor.

According to Agus, educational background, the experience of becoming chairman of the Bogor City DPRD, Atang Trisnanto, should be a strong consideration for thousands of alumni to support figures from his alma mater to become Mayor of Bogor 2024-2029.

As chairman of the DPRD, Agus conveyed that IPB saw many policies of Bogor City which were born from their ideas and were welcomed by members of the council and city governments. In the 2019-2024 DPRD during his leadership, pro-people policies are a priority. Among them are diploma sugarcane programs, the construction of the Grand Mosque and a number of regional regulations for the benefit of the community.

Paired with Anrida Allivia who is still young from Gen Z circles, said Agus, Atang is believed to be able to protect and open the development of the flow of the work environment, education, social and lifestyle of the city community which is fun for all people.

"Atang has experience as chairman of the DPRD, there are many policies born from his leadership as pro-people. In addition, there are also many other strong experiences. We believe Atang-Annida can lead the city of Bogor," he said.

Bogor Sawalkot Atang Trisnanto expressed his gratitude for the support given by IPB by forming REALITA. Atang promised to become a representation of IPB alumni who will implement ideas and innovations for the progress of Bogor City.

"I am ready to be a mobilizator, facilitator, and activator of the great idea of IPB alumni to provide the best for Bogor City. I hope that Bogor can become the best laboratory to realize IPB alumni innovations that are beneficial for the community," he said.

Atang hopes that with him becoming the Bogor City Guard will become the path for IPB alumni to become a leader in the rainy city.

During its 60 years of existence, IPB has never had a mayor in Bogor. This is the best time for us to make it happen. God willing, together we can give the best for Bogor City," said Atang.

The head of the West Java and White Task Force for Bogor City, Adityawarman Adil, said he welcomed XIPB and REALITA's support as a spirit of leadership that made it comfortable for all.

"Alhamdulillah, IPB and REALITA alumni support Kang Atang, support Bogor Comfortably For All to be realized in Bogor. This support is valuable," he said.

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