JAKARTA - The police are investigating the motive of a group suspected of carrying out forced disbandment and vandalism during a discussion at the Grand Kemang Hotel, South Jakarta, Saturday, September 28.

Deputy Chief of Metro Jaya Police Brigadier General Djati Wiyoto Century said his party would find out who asked to carry out the disbandment action.

"So I have said earlier that until now we will continue to investigate investigators on the background motives why this group came there. Why did this be disbanded who the movers were," Wiyoto told reporters at Polda Metro Jaya, Sunday, September 29.

"We will carry out screening, we will conduct deepening profiling of the perpetrators that we have secured. Who mobilized them. What was the motive, what was the purpose," he added.

He confirmed that he would take firm action against the people who mobilized this group to carry out forced disbandment during a discussion at the Grand Kemang Hotel, South Jakarta, Saturday, September 28, yesterday.

"And of course we will hold them accountable for the violations that of course they can be involved in the actions that took place yesterday," he said.

When the incident was discovered, his party immediately moved quickly to immediately secure the perpetrators. As a result, 5 suspected perpetrators have been arrested.

The 5 perpetrators have the initials FEK, GW, JJ, LW and MDM. Of the 5 perpetrators who were children, 2 of them have been named as suspects. Only two, these are only two who have indicated that he can be named suspects.

Wiyoto explained that the incident began during a discussion attended by a number of figures at the Grand Kemang Hotel, South Jakarya, Saturday, September 28. Among them were former Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah Din Syamsuddin and constitutional law expert Refly Harun, former Secretary of the Ministry of SOEs, Muhammad Said Didu to former DPR member Marwan Batubara.

On the other hand, there was a demonstration from a group of people on behalf of the Indonesian Love Forum. They demanded to disband the discussion inside the hotel.

"The reason is that there is no permit, divides unity and integrity and so on," Wiyoto told reporters at Polda Metro Jaya, Sunday, September 29.

On that basis, his party carried out security so that there would be no friction that would not be cold. Furthermore, suddenly from behind the hotel, 10-15 people pushed in. They caused trouble by destroying property and forcibly disbanding the discussion

"So at that time our members were still focused in front of the hotel carrying out Unras action security activities. But suddenly around 10-15 people immediately entered the building," he said

After the incident, his party conducted an in-depth investigation by examining a number of witnesses and CCTV at the scene.

"Then (the examination) from the CCTV record, and also several video shows that have been circulating on social media, we managed to secure 5 people who were indicated as perpetrators," he said.

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