The Pro-Democracy Front condemned acts of violence and thuggery against the forced disbandment of discussion activities held by the Indonesian Forum, at the Grand Kemang Hotel, on Saturday, September 28, yesterday.

Barisan Pro-Democracy meminta negara untuk menegakkan supremasi hukum belakt kejadian tersebut.

The statement of attitude was conveyed by former Staff of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Said Didu, Constitutional Law Expert Refly Harun, former Kominfo Roy Suryo, former Chairman of the KPK Abraham Samad and 100 more other people who are members of the Pro-Democracy Front through a press statement received on Sunday, September 29.

"The thugs, whose identities were not clearly visible, stormed into the venue in the hotel room, forcibly dispersed the meeting ceremony, shouted, unfurled banners and chatted against the room, disbanding a discussion themed 'National Friendship Diaspora with National Figures and Activists," reads the press statement.

Ironically, the violence occurred and it was discovered by the security forces. Because the raid on the hotel was carried out in front of a number of police officers.

"It is strongly suspected that there has been omission by the police who are supposed to be on duty to maintain security," he continued.

For this inappropriate and inappropriate act of violence, Barisan Pro-Democracy hereby asks the police, urging the National Police Chief to immediately investigate, investigate, and take action against the perpetrators. Including the parties who ordered or were responsible for the thuggery.

"The action to disband the discussion is a terror against citizens, which should not happen in countries that uphold the rule of law and democracy," he added.

The Pro-Democracy Front also strongly condemned the omission carried out by the police for acts of thuggery in the dissolution of the discussion. Police officers should be quick to take action to protect discussion activities as the right of citizens to gather and express themselves.

"Police officers who allow coercion action to violate their duties and deserve action/sanctions because they have neglected their duties. In order to emphasize that the main task of the police according to the law is to maintain security and order. Not the other way around!," the statement exclaimed.

The Pro-Democracy line also demands that the state be present to carry out its duties and functions. Namely, it is mandatory to be present to enforce the rule of law.

"We also invite the public not to obey acts of thuggery, terror and the like. We urge citizens and every individual Indonesian people to continue to dare to voice and exercise their rights as sovereign citizens," said the statement of the Pro-Democracy Front's stance.

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