JAKARTA - The Election Organizers Honorary Council (DKPP) said it could not interfere with the legislative candidate Tia Rahamania who failed to be inaugurated. This matter is usually the decision of the original party.

This was conveyed by the Chairman of the DKPP Heddy Lugito in response to the polemic of the elected DPR RI member, Tia Rahmania, who failed to be inaugurated because she was fired by PDIP.

"So, about the candidates being inaugurated and not friends know that the legislative election participants are political parties, actually the authority of political parties," Heddy told reporters in the Bogor area, West Java, Thursday night, September 26.

Heddy saw that this condition actually often occurs ahead of the inauguration. However, his institution could not do anything other than wait for the report.

This is because the DKPP is passive and it is the General Election Commission (KPU) that has the right to take care of it actively.

So far, I see that the KPU is still carrying out its duties as an election organizer. So, if it is considered that there is an ethical violation, please complain to the DKPP and until now there has been no complaint," he said.

"So what do you want if you don't have a complaint," continued Heddy.

As previously reported, an elected member of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Tia Rahmania, was canceled even though she had the highest valid votes in the Banten I electoral district. He is said to have not met the requirements because he has been dismissed by the PDI-P (PDIP).

Meanwhile, Chairman of the DPP for the Honorary Division of the PDI-P (PDIP) Komarudin Watubun said the dismissal of elected DPR RI member, Tia Rahmania, was not related to her statement alluding to ethical violations of the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron. This step is the aftermath of a legislative election dispute (pileg) which was resolved internally through the party court.

"It has nothing to do with the process (of dismissal, ed) that this took place before the affair (Tia alluded to the ethical violation of Nurul Ghufron, ed)," said Komarudin when contacted by reporters, Thursday, September 26.

"So don't turn it around. It's as if there is a business with the KPK. It doesn't exist like that," he continued.

The party court is indeed an internal normal process, explained Komarudin. Apart from Tia, there were also other cadres who were fired until they were canceled as legislators, namely Rahmad Handoyo from the Electoral Region (Dapil) of Central Java V.

"Especially for Tia with Rahmad Handoyo, they were sued by their own internals. Tia was sued in the party court by Allah and Rahmat was sued by Didik Haryadi. Well, the lawsuit was filed, processed in the party court, then the court convened," he said.

From this process, it was found that there was a shift in sound. There was something that he shifted internally, someone shifted it from outside, from external to internal, "said Komarudin.

Tia and Rahmad, continued Komarudin, then could not prove the value of their voices. "While the reporter can prove with his C1 that there is a shift in votes there," he asserted.

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