JAKARTA - President-elect Prabowo Subianto will break down a number of current ministries so that they focus and are maximal in their work. This is one of the reasons why the number of ministries in the cabinet era of Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka will increase.

This was conveyed by the Secretary General of the Gerindra Party Ahmad Muzani at the DPR building, the parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 25.

"The number is large because there are fields concurrently in one ministry, by Pak Prabowo because he wants to focus on the program in that field, the ministry is broken down," said Muzani.

Prabowo, said Muzani, wants a program or field, handled by one ministry. According to him, this is to maximize services to the community.

"Because yes, this is a new challenge because Pak Prabowo wants to focus on programs and fields that focus on one field from one ministry," he said.

Muzani also emphasized that it is no longer relevant to demothomize cabinet ministers from political and professional parties. According to Muzani, all professional ministers in their fields either come from political parties or not.

"We are of the view that the ministers involved are people who have expertise and professions in their fields so they understand," said Muzani.

Furthermore, Muzani said the number and names of cabinet ministers were being discussed and finalized carefully by Prabowo Subianto. In fact, he mentioned that the names had begun to be narrowed.

"I think the finalization has started to narrow down, but it hasn't completely narrowed down. It's started to narrow down the portfolio, maybe the numbers and names," concluded Muzani.

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