The panel of judges at the Banda Aceh District Court sentenced a police officer to 18 months or 1 year and 6 months in prison for being proven to have abused methamphetamine.

The verdict was read out by a panel of judges chaired by Said Hasan during a trial at the Banda Aceh District Court, Wednesday, which was also attended by Public Prosecutor (JPU) Yuni Rahayu.

The defendant Aji Purwanto is a police officer with the rank of adjunct commissioner of the police (AKBP). The defendant was present at the trial accompanied by his legal adviser.

Apart from the defendant Aji Purwanto, the panel of judges also sentenced other police officers to the same case, but separate files with a sentence of 2 years in prison.

The defendant is on behalf of Samsuardi with the rank of adjunct inspector of police one (aiptu).

In addition to the two policemen, the panel of judges also sentenced two other defendants to the same case, but separate files, each 6 years and 4 years in prison.

The two defendants, Suwandi, were sentenced to 6 years in prison with a fine of Rp. 1 billion with a subsidiary or a substitute sentence of 2 months in prison, and the defendant Murdani with a sentence of 4 years in prison.

"Declaring that the defendants are legally proven guilty of using methamphetamine. The defendant is guilty of violating Article 112 Paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 132 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning narcotics," said the panel of judges.

The panel of judges stated that the defendants were not proven guilty of buying and selling methamphetamine-type drugs weighing up to 100.51 grams as charged by the public prosecutor.

However, the panel of judges said, based on the facts during the trial, the defendants were proven to have used methamphetamine. This was reinforced by the results of the urine examination of the defendants.

The verdict is lighter than the prosecutor's demands. At the previous trial, the Public Prosecutor demanded that the defendant Aji Purwanto be sentenced to 12 years in prison, while the defendant Samsuardi was charged with 12 years in prison.

In addition, the defendants Murdani and Suwandi were also sentenced to 15 years in prison each. The defendants were also charged with paying a fine of Rp. 1 billion, subsidiary to 6 months in prison.

Based on the verdict of the panel of judges, the defendants and their legal advisers and the public prosecutor expressed their thoughts. The panel of judges gave the parties seven days to state that they accepted or appealed to the decision.

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