Chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU) of Central Jakarta, Efniadiansyah stated, after determining the candidate and drawing the serial number, the candidate pair for governor and deputy governor can immediately carry out the campaign starting three days after the determination.

"Since September 25, the campaign period has started," said Efni when confirmed, Wednesday, September 25.

Head of the Educational Socialization Division for Voters for Community Participation and Human Resources of the Central Jakarta KPU, Sahat Dohar Manullang, added that before the start of the campaign period, regulations on campaigns need to be submitted to all members of the community, especially campaign implementers and campaign participants so that they can be implemented in accordance with regulations.

"Before entering the campaign period, it is our obligation to socialize campaign regulations and policies to campaign implementers and the entire community so that the campaign can take place in accordance with applicable laws and regulations," he said.

According to him, campaigning is an activity to convey the vision, mission and program of candidate pairs to convince the public that lasts 60 days starting from September 25 to November 23, 2024.

"The campaign is carried out using a method of limited meeting, face-to-face and dialogue, debate of candidate pairs, distribution of campaign materials, installation of campaign props, advertisements in the mass media and other activities that do not conflict with legislation," he said.

Sahat hopes that the implementation of the campaign in Central Jakarta will have an impact on increasing voter participation in exercising voting rights.

"The purpose of holding a campaign is to increase voter participation and the form of political education for the community. Therefore, we hope that the implementation of the campaign in Central Jakarta will be carried out responsibly and take place safely and peacefully," he said.

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