YOGYAKARTA In this article, procedures will be discussed or ways to make an adopted child birth certificate.

According to Government Regulation Number 54 of 2007 concerning the Implementation of Child Appointment, child adoption is a legal act that diverts a child from the environment of parental power, legal guardian, or other person responsible for educational care, raising the child into the family of the adopted parent.

Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 19 of 2010 concerning Forms and Books Used in Population registration and Civil Registration, a child can be registered as a family member of his parents with the status of the relationship between the head of the family is 'other', and the name of the father of his biological mother remains listed in the column of the names of his father and mother.

If the child is registered in the Family Card and has a Population Identification Number (NIK), then a birth certificate can be made with the name of the biological parent still listed in the deed.

Making birth certificates for adopted children can be done through the local population and civil records (Dukcapil) office.

PARENTS who wish to make birth certificates for adopted children must include the following requirements documents:

If these conditions have been met, the Dukcapil Service will make a side note regarding the appointment of children in birth certificates.

After that, the Dukcapil Service will issue an adoption child birth certificate. Later, the deed will still include the names of their biological parents. Meanwhile, the names of the adopted parents will be listed in the form of side notes.

In addition to making birth certificates, adopted children must also be recorded in the Family Card together with their adopted parents.

PARENTS who wish to include adopted children in the family card are required to include the following required documents:

If ready, the documents can be brought and submitted to the local Dukcapil Office.

After being printed signed by the head of the service, the family card document will be submitted to the applicant.

According to the Regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs Number 110 of 2009, there are several conditions that must be met by couples who want to adopt children. These conditions are:

After all these conditions are met, here are the procedures for child adoption that must be passed by prospective parents:

That's the information on how to make an adopted child's birth certificate. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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