"It's a pity for them, they don't get a good and clear legal understanding. Even though their wishes are clear, they demanded PT Victory, but instead brought here (PLTU Celukan Bawang),"

BULELENG - The statement of the attorney for PT Garda Arta Bumindo (GAB) and PT Garda Satya Perkasa (GAP) --the labor provider companies under contract with PT General Energi Bali-- I Putu Wibawa described the fate of around 32 employees of PT Victory Utama Karya. On Monday, September 23, these employees came to the Celukan Bawang Electric Steam Power Plant (PLTU).

The goal was not to demonstrate against the Celukan Bawang PLTU. They wanted to demand clarity about the fate of PT Victory Utama Karya, the labor provider company whose contract to work at this PLTU had expired.

The Celukan Bawang PLTU has been managed by PT General Energi Bali (GEB). PT China Huadian Corporation (CHD) which was contracted for 10 years, then collaborated with PT Victory for the recruitment of workers. The cooperation between PT GEB and PT CHD officially ended according to the agreement, which automatically also severed the relationship with PT Victory.

Before the contract period ended, PT GEB was ready to re-accommodate the workers from PT Victory. The requirement is that they must first make a letter of resignation from PT Victory and re-submit an application to PT Garda Arta Bumindo and PT Garda Satya Perkasa. The two companies were partnered by PT GEB as a replacement for PT CHD.

"If you want to go back to work, it's not ethical if you still have employee status elsewhere," said Putu Wibawa explaining the reason for the mandatory resignation application from PT Victory.

I Putu Wibawa, attorney for PT Garda Arta Bumindo (GAB)

Previously, there was 254 PT Victory employees who work at the Celukan Bawang PLTU. Now, 222 of its employees have returned to work after following the established procedures.

"This is just a change of clothes, nothing has changed," continued Putu Wibawa.

Jhon Chua is one of more than 200 people who have now returned to work under the PT GAB flag. When he was still an employee of PT Victory, Jhon was the deputy supervisor of the production engineering division of the Celukan Bawang PLTU.

"And after being recruited again from PT Victory, all were accepted back. We work as usual and nothing has changed at all, including the composition of salaries and positions," said the man from Batam.

Jhon explained that he submitted a letter of resignation from PT Victory on September 16 and immediately resubmitted his application letter. A day later, he officially returned to work at the Celukan Bawang PLTU.

The fate of the 32 people is not the same compared to the 222 people who have now returned to work. The difference is, after the management of PT Victory unilaterally made promises that they would receive severance pay due to the end of their work contracts. Receiving such heavenly promises, the employees continued to demand it.

"We are only demanding our rights, severance pay from PT Victory," said one of PT Victory's employees, Fajar. In addition, they also hope to be able to return to work at the Celukan Bawang PLTU.

SERBUK Indonesia representative Fajar Setyo Nugroho confirmed that the 32 employees were indeed suing PT Victory regarding the promise to provide severance pay. Every time they were sued, PT Victory argued that they were also still waiting for bills from PT GEB and PT CHD which were planned to be used to pay severance pay according to their promises.

SERBUK Indonesia representative Fajar Setyo Nugroho

On September 18, the workers met with Ian Leonardi, a representative from PT Victory. Sweet promises were again thrown that their severance pay would continue to be fought for. But when asked for a written statement to support his statement, Ian firmly refused.

"We have urged him, but he refused, the reason being that he is not the leader of PT Victory," said Fajar Setyo.

Meanwhile, I Putu Wibawa regretted that the demands to PT Victory were conveyed in the Celukan Bawang PLTU environment. He also regretted that the fate of the 32 employees was in limbo because they received false information.

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