Polres Metro Bekasi Kota mengimbau masyarakat apabila ada anggota keluarganya yang hilang agar mendatangi Polres Metro Bekasi Kota dan Posko DVI RS Polri Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bekasi City Metro Police, Kompol Audy Joize Oroh, said that his party still holds the same data as the Police Hospital regarding the number of families of 7 Bekasi River victims.

"If there are family members who do not come home, they can visit the ante mortem post at the Police Hospital and the Bekasi City Metro Police," said Kompol Audy when confirmed, Tuesday, September 24.

According to Kompol Audy, based on his provisional report, most of the families who have reported are Bekasi residents.

"Most of the families are from Bekasi. The families of the victims do not know each other. Currently, we are still investigating the identification of the 7 bodies," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Yandokpol Police Hospital Kramat Jati, Kombes Hery Wijatmoko admitted that until now his party had only received 5 families who reported the loss of their family members at the Police Hospital.

"People who feel that their family members have not returned or cannot be detected, please visit the DIV post team at this ante mortem post. In the hotline 0218 9809 3288 extension 241 or mobile number 0821 1946 3231 with the identity reporting," said Kombes Hery.

Kombes Hery emphasized that it should be the family who is near the house who knows the initial characteristics such as clothes (which the victim wears).

"(Take) The identity reported is more important, the identity of the one with fingerprints, family card. Then personal tools such as forward brushes that are still not washed, then hats and so on as primers for us to take DNA samples," he said.

The family is also advised to bring the latest photo of his family members who look like teeth.

"So we can compare ante mortem and post mortem," he said.

This appeal is related to the discovery of 7 male bodies floating simultaneously in the Bekasi River, Jatiasih, Bekasi City, West Java, Sunday, September 22, morning.

A number of bodies whose identities and causes of death were not yet known were then evacuated by the Bekasi City Metro Police and the joint SAR Team.

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