JAKARTA - The caretaker of the Nur Muhammad Ndresmo Islamic Boarding School, Surabaya, KH Maftuh claimed that 100 clerics and kiai Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) carried out the Bangkalan Risalah surgery as well as the consolidation of kiai throughout Central Java to prepare for the NU Extraordinary Congress (MLB).

"The results of the discussion of the kiai we name the Nest Declaration which contains several decisions," said KH Maftuh at the Sarang Islamic Boarding School, Central Java, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, September 23.

The decision of the Nest Declaration, among others, was that the first was that the NU MLB was held by referring to Article 1 Paragraph (2) of the NU's Articles of Association and Bylaws.

The article reads, NU was founded by the ulama of Islamic boarding schools in Surabaya on 16 Rajab 1344 H, coinciding with January 31, 1926 AD for an unlimited time.

"So it is understood that Jam'iyah NU is a reflection of the life of pesantren, while the structure of Jam'iyah is an extension of the wisdom of ulama and kiai caregivers of Islamic boarding schools," said KH Maftuh.

Second, he continued, the presidium appreciated the support of the caretakers of Islamic boarding schools in Central Java for the Organizational Rescue Movement and MLB NU.

According to KH Maftuh, this support is the main and strategic strength for the presidium to continue preparations for the NU pre-MLB and MLB later.

"Presidium also believes that the participation and support of boarding school caregivers for this movement will be followed by NU structures at all levels, including regional administrators, branch administrators, branch representatives, and NU branch administrators, so that the presidium is optimistic that MLB can be implemented soon," he said.

Third, the presidium also appreciates the structural regional management to the NU branch management for their support for the Organizational Rescue Movement and NU MLB, even though the support was carried out behind closed doors.

"Therefore, the presidium will maintain communication and consolidation of movement with NU structures at all levels and maintain confidentiality so that everyone is comfortable," he added.

Fourth, the Sarang forum proposes the venue for the MLB in Bangkalan, Madura, East Java. The proposal is an alternative to the previous proposal, Cirebon, West Java, as the venue for the MLB implementation.

"Therefore, the determination of the MLB place and time will be decided in the pre-MLB and after getting the blessing of the NU elderly kiai," he said.

Fifth, guided by the fatushul fiqh, the presidium realizes that MLB has a bad impact. However, if the performance and performance of PBNU is left unchecked, the potential for bad will be much greater, namely the destruction of the organizational order at all levels and the loss of pride to become NU citizens.

"So MLB must be done," said KH Maftuh.

Sixth, the presidium states, guided by the NU constitution, is the highest agreement in organizing the organization. Therefore, violations of the basic principles of organization constitute violations of the Shari'a.

Seventh, the forum agreed to form the coordinator of the Central Java Organization and MLB Rescue area with the following composition:

Chairman of Korwil:

Caretaker of the Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School (PP) Kajen, Pati, Central Java, KH Syaifurrijal Ajib


Gus Borni Kurniawan (Kebumen)

Gus Adib Zaman (PP Walisongo, Pecangaan, Jepara)

Gus Alif Basuki (Boyolali)

Gus Syauqi Taufiqurrahman (PP Jekulo, Kudus)


PP Al-Anwar, Sarang, Rembang, Gus Idror Maemun Zubair

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