TANGERANG A netizen expressed his disappointment at the award received by a teacher with the initials HDW, the alleged perpetrator of sexual harassment against a number of students. The award received by HDW is Pancawarsa Ill or the scout award badge by the Head of the South Tangerang City Branch Kwartir (Kwarcab).

Today I was furious to hear that a sex predator was given the Pancawarsa III award by the South Tangerang City Warcab. It feels crazy if I am silent, and this is not the first time in the past year I have spoken in a forum. This time, I will speak more," wrote the @Boyboim account.

It was revealed that the teacher taught at SMKN 5 South Tangerang, and is currently being followed up by summoning the person concerned.

Principal of SMKN 5 South Tangerang (Tangsel), Rohmani Yusuf said the perpetrator had been questioned by his party on Sunday, September 22, evening.

Based on the information obtained, HDW admitted that it had committed the sexual harassment in question.

"We have asked for clarification in the person concerned. And yesterday, until the night we made this BAP and BAP, we will hand it over to the education office," Yusuf said when met at SMKN 5 South Tangerang, Monday, September 23.

"It happened outside the school, this was purely triggered after the person concerned received an award," he added.

On that basis, the school issued HDW. He has been disabled as a teacher at SMKN 5 South Tangerang school.

"As of today, we have disabled the person concerned as of September 23, and regarding administrative completeness we will coordinate with the Banten Provincial Education Office," he said.

Yusuf admitted that he was surprised if HDW, who was known to be good and diligent in worship, turned out to have committed this heinous act.

"We don't know about school. Because everyday it's religious, good. We also know it's viral. Especially when it happens outside of school. But in the Scout environment they (perpetrators)," he said.

"It happened in 2010. Then he (the perpetrator) taught here since 2013, an honorary teacher. IPAS subjects, first math," he added.

Caption: Principal of SMKN 5 South Tangerang (Tangsel) (Doc.Jehan)

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