The Minister is one of the state officials who has a function to assist the president in running the government. In Indonesia, the minister will be sworn in by the president for every 5 years of his term of office.

However, it is possible that the president can also reshuffle. After the term of office is over, they will also enter retirement. So, how much is the minister's pension?

As a state official, the minister has special rules regarding pensions that are different from civil servants in general. This is due to the duties and responsibilities carried by a minister being very specific and different from other tasks.

As explained in Government Regulation Number 50 of 1980, the minister has the right to receive a pension. This has been regulated in Articles 10 and 11:

Article 10

The Minister of State, who resigned with respect from his position, has the right to retire.

Article 11

(1) Retirement as referred to in Article 10 is determined based on the length of the term of office.

(2) The magnitude of a month's principal pension is 1% (one percent) of the pension basis for each one month of office provided that the principal pension is at least 6% (six percent) and a maximum of 75% (seventy five percent) of the pension basis.

(3) The State Minister, who resigned with respect from his position because the Health Test Team stated that he could no longer work in all state positions due to physical or spiritual conditions caused by his service, was entitled to receive the highest pension of 75% (seventy five percent) from the pension basis.

For example, if a minister is on duty for 5 years with a pension basis of IDR 10,000,000, then the retirement calculation is as follows:

Calculate the number of months of office: 5 years x 12 months = 60 months.

A month's basic pension is 1% of the pension basis for each month of office. So, if the pension basis is IDR 10,000,000, then the principal pension is a month = 1% x IDR 10,000,000 = IDR 100,000.

Total basic pensions for 60 months = 60 months x Rp100,000 = Rp6,000,000.

However, the pension earned will not be more than 75% of the pension basis. So, if the results of the basic pension calculation are more than 75% of the pension basis, then what applies is the maximum limit, or 75% of the pension basis.

If the pension base is IDR 10,000,000, then the maximum pension is 75% x IDR 10,000,000 = IDR 7,500,000 per month.

Launching the official website of the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB), ministers are also entitled to receive old-age allowances (THT) in addition to pensions. THT is money obtained by former state officials as a form of appreciation for their services after they finished their duties.

THT itself is a refund of the basic salary that has been paid during his term of office. THT is given only once, when the official completes his term of office.

The calculation of THT is based on the contributions that have been given during the term of office. If the official has paid the dues, then he can get THT. The THT value is calculated by multiplying 3.25% of the basic salary earned with the term of office in question. However, if the dues have not been paid, the THT cannot be given because there are no fees that can be returned.

The THT status is different from the pension. THT is given once when the official ends his term of office, while retirement can be obtained every month.

Such is the review of the number of ministerial pensions obtained after the end of his term of office. Visit to get other interesting information.

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