TANGERANG - The Kedaung Indah Farmers Group (Poktan) in Legok District, Rancagong Village, Tangerang, utilizes 25 hectares of sleeping land to increase agricultural production. The poktan process previously unused land, and are now enjoying the results of their hard work by doing the big harvest.

The sleeping area managed by the Kedaung Indah Farmers Group for the last few years has been used productively with various types of food crops. Support from the government through pump assistance and self-help contributions from farmers have allowed them to increase irrigation capacity. This gives great hope for increasing agricultural productivity in the region," said Acting Director General of Plantation, Heru Tri Widarto, in a written statement, Monday, September 23.

Heru added, after successfully carrying out two plantings a year, this farmer group targets to carry out a third planting by the end of September 2024. With better irrigation infrastructure, farmers hope that production results will continue to increase and be able to meet local market needs.

"This success is expected to inspire other farmers to take advantage of unsolved sleeping lands, so that the agricultural sector in the region can continue to develop and support local and national food security," he said.

One member of the farmer group expressed his gratitude for this harvest and hoped for an increase in future results.

"We are greatly helped by the assistance of water pumps. This gives us the enthusiasm to continue to try to increase production, especially with the third planting plan later," he said.

The Ministry of Agriculture through the Directorate General of Plantation continues to strengthen agriculture, both food and plantations. In addition to holding Bunex activities, maintaining food is still monitored and guarded, running continuously, ensuring national food security is maintained and encouraging plantation strengthening to run harmoniously.

"Perkebunan memiliki potensi strategis di masa depan, karena bisa menjadi sumber energi terbarukan, di mana Indonesia dihadapi pada dua tantangan besar, seperti pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan nasional dan mengatasi kedependakan pada energi fosil," ujar Heru.

In order to synergize all plantation people to jointly strengthen Indonesian plantations, the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) through the Directorate General of Plantations supported by the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS), in the third time the Bunex title.

Here, there are various innovations, various plantation products, to providing space for plantation people, both farmers, Umkm and other plantation business actors, to meet and collaborate.

Disela held the Indonesia Expo (Bunex) Plantation for the third time in 2024 in Tangerang, the Ministry of Agriculture continues to be committed to maintaining food security in order to anticipate food emergency.

Previously, Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Andi Amran Sulaiman emphasized his commitment to optimizing sleeping land in areas that have been neglected for the past three years, in order to strengthen national food production and accelerate the achievement of food self-sufficiency.

Acting (Plt) Director General of Plantation, Heru Tri Widarto, said that farmers are currently doing the main harvest, with the help of pumps and some self-help, they are expected to plant the 3rd by the end of September 2024.

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