Four people died after being hit by the Solo Fajar Utama train heading for Pasarsenen-Solo, Sunday 22 September. The unfortunate incident occurred at km 88+700 hall upstream of the plot of the Cikampek-Tanjungrasa road, Kampung Daringo, Pangulah Selatan Village, Kota Baru, Karawang.

Of the four victims, two of them were children aged 7 and 9 years. The victims suffered serious injuries, some were even caught and carried away by the train body.

Public Relations Manager of PT KAI Daop 3 Cirebon Rokhmad Makin Zainul revealed the chronology of the incident where 4 people were killed when they were hit by the train. Initially, the train that was about to pass had repeatedly sounded warnings to commemorate residents who were active around the active tracks.

"At that incident, the Fajar Utama Solo train from the direction of Jakarta had sounded the drains of the locomotive repeatedly and then the close time from the downstream route crossed the Kertajaya train from the Surabaya-Pasarsenen Department from the direction of Tanjungrasa but the residents did not move so the temperans were inevitable," said Rokhmad in his statement, Sunday night.

Rokhmad regretted that this incident could have happened, because people should not have carried out any activities around the railway line, including playing and walking because it was very dangerous and avoiding incidents with passing trains. This is stated in Law Number 23 of 2007 concerning Railways.

"The railway line is a route that is protected by law, so that people are prohibited from doing anything in the vicinity," he said.

Rokhmad emphasized that active rail lines cannot be used by the public carelessly, because it involves the safety of many people. Anyone in the goods room of the railway road, dragging goods on or crossing the railway line without rights, and using railroad lines for other purposes other than for rail transportation that can interfere with train travel can be charged with criminal acts with a maximum imprisonment of 3 months or a maximum fine of Rp. 15 million.

"We hope that the community will actively help maintain the safety of train travel and the safety of the environment, by helping to provide understanding or warning, if there are people who play or carry out activities on the railway line," said Rokhmad.

The four bodies have been taken to health facilities in Karawang and Subang.

"Furthermore, the security officers of KAI Daop 3 Cirebon coordinated with the Patokbeusi Police, Subang Regency and Kotabaru Police, Karawang Regency. One person was taken to the Patokbeusi Health Center and three people were taken to the Karawang Hospital," he said.

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