JAKARTA - Chairman of the RK-Suswono Winning Team in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada, Ahmad Riza Patria expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the Gelora Party, which was actively involved in winning the RK-Suswono victory from the start.

"We thank the Gelora Party for organizing this event. The Gelora Party became an important part of Bang Ridwan Kamil and Mas Suswono's victory in the Jakarta Pilkada," said the man who is familiarly called Ariza in an interactive dialogue with the Gelora Party, Sunday, September 22.

Ariza said that in various surveys submitted by survey institutions, the electability of the cagub pair and the candidate for deputy governor (cawagub) RK-Suswono was above 50 percent, far superior to other couples.

"Ini belum ngapa-papaapa saja surveinya tinggi, terakhir rilis hasil survei dari LSI. Insya Alllah kita menang satu lapisan dengan RIDO Allah SWT, dan kemenangannya satu lapisan atas 70 persen," tandasnya.

On this occasion, a joint reading of the Gelora Party Action Program in the 2024 Pilkada was carried out regarding the determination to win the cagub and cawagub pair Ridwan Kamil-Suswono through 5 Action Progams.

The reading of the joint statement was led by the Chairman of the DPW of the Jakarta Gelora Party Triwisaksana and the Coordinator of the RK-Suswono Winning of the Hazem Gelora Party Anis Matta. Then, followed by all participants who attended, including by Ariza and Ridwan Kamil.

"Cadres, Neighbors, Brothers, Gelora Voters and Social Media Residents choose RIDO, Ridwan Kamil-Suswono. Let's win Ridwan Kamil-Suswono's pair," said Triwisaksana.

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