JAKARTA - The man with the initials MS alias BU (56), a resident in Sukabumi City, West Java, is threatened with 15 years in prison for allegedly committing forced acts against his own underage grandson.

"The arrest of MS, after the victim was accompanied by his family, reported to the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) of the Sukabumi City Police Unit regarding the forced case," said Sukabumi City Police Chief AKBP Rita Suwadi, quoted on Sunday, September 22.

According to Rita, the suspect will finish his old age behind bars due to his actions in accordance with Article 81 paragraph (1), paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) and or Article 82 paragraph (1), paragraph (2) UURI Number 17 of 2016 concerning the stipulation of PP in lieu of Law Number 1 of 2016 concerning the second amendment to UURI Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection with a minimum prison sentence of 15 years.

From the results of the investigation, MS's lecherous actions have been carried out since the victim was still in grade 3 of junior high school. Where for now the victim has been sitting in the first grade of high school or with the perpetrator for a year committing indecent acts against his grandson for one year.

Ironically, the suspect raped the victim almost every day and the last one happened on Wednesday, August 28 when his grandson had just returned from school. MS's depraved act could run smoothly for one year because the victim was afraid of the suspect's threat, so he chose to keep his mouth shut.

"We arrested the suspect at a house on Jalan Nanggerang, Lembursitu District, Sukabumi City on Tuesday (11/9)," he added.

Rita mengatakan untuk korban sudah diberikan pendampingan dan pihaknya pun berkoordinasi dengan lembaga terkait untuk melakukan therapy agar korban tidak mengalami trauma yang berpanjang.

The victim and her sister have been living at the house of their grandfather (suspect) and grandmother because their mother is an Indonesian migrant worker to a country in the Middle East. Meanwhile, his father still lives in Sukabumi, but is not at home because he is divorced from the victim's mother.

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