JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion has not announced the implementation of the 2021 haj pilgrimage will be opened or postponed like the previous year.
However, the Ministry of Religion confirmed that the pilgrims who were prospective pilgrims had to do three PCR swabs if the Saudi Arabian government opened the Haj pilgrimage this year.
The first PCR swab is carried out no later than 2x24 hours before flying to Saudi Arabia. Then the second swab was carried out upon arrival in Saudi Arabia. Finally, the swab was carried out again before returning to Indonesia.
"If the Saudis allow the departure of Indonesian pilgrims, at least the candidate pilgrims will do three PCR swabs", said Secretary of the Directorate General of Haj and Umrah at the Ministry of Religion, Ramadhan Harisman in a written statement, Wednesday, March 31.
Besides the PCR swab, continued Harisman, the congregation also had to do an antigen swab which was carried out before entering the Hajj dormitory.
"This is because when the congregation will enter the dormitory, they must bring negative evidence of the antigen swab results," he said.
Harisman emphasized that all Hajj and Hajj officials 1442H / 2021M must be vaccinated. The Ministry of Religion has coordinated with the Ministry of Health regarding the vaccination of candidate pilgrims who have paid the 2020 hajj fee.
"Alhamdulillah, candidate pilgrims who have paid the 2020 hajj fee and over 60 years old, has entered priority vaccination for the elderly category. The target is March 31, two doses of vaccine have been injected into the candidates", he said.
Meanwhile, those who are under 60 years old will be categorized as vulnerable. "God willing, candidate pilgrims who have paid the 2020 Hajj fee will be vaccinated and it is scheduled that at the end of May all of them will be vaccinated", explained Harisman.
Previously, the Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas asked his staff to prepare a scenario for organizing the haj in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in as much detail as possible, because it involved the safety of the candidate pilgrims.
"Prepare in detail. I hope the implementation of the pilgrimage will be completely detailed in the preparation. Don't miss anything, because it is related to the safety of the congregation. For the sake of the congregation's safety, prepare as much detail as possible", said the Minister of Religion.
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