JAKARTA - Jakarta Governor Pramono Anung promised to maintain good relations with the central government in the leadership of Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka if he and Rano Karno were elected as Governor-Deputy Governor of Jakarta as a result of the 2024 Pilkada.

Moreover, the former Cabinet Secretary claimed that he communicated well and did not have any resistance to either Prabowo or Gibran.

"If we are elected, get the mandate, we can definitely communicate well and can carry out what is the policy line for the central government. So there is no room to debate for that," Pramono said at the Pramono-Rano winning house, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Friday, September 20.

According to Pramono, whoever is the regional head who will win the regional election, even though he is not included in the current Prabowo-Gibran coalition, must carry out tasks that are in line with the central government.

Thus, Pramono admitted that he would not carry out Jakarta's governance which was against the central government's policies in the future.

"Because it is the responsibility of the provincial government, he carried out what was decided by the central government. In accordance with the authority of the law, as long as it is the authority of the province, then the province will decide. So the authority has a level," explained Pramono.

The General Elections Commission (KPU) will officially determine and draw the number of candidate pairs (paslon) for regional heads on Sunday, September 22. Then, the candidate pair will start the campaign period on September 25.

Pramono emphasized that he would be more flexible in campaigning because he is no longer managing the kitchen of President Joko Widodo's cabinet. Jokowi has signed a decision to dismiss Pramono after submitting his resignation as Cabinet Secretary.

"So what will be done is that there must be a campaign that is hard campaign, soft campaign, socialization, door to door. We do everything," said Pramono.

"So, it is ways like that that people see, get public sympathy. We want to show what it is, we will not convey things that are jargon-jargon, but rather to the reality that we can do if we get the mandate," he added.

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