PEKANBARU - The Riau Financial Services Authority (OJK) supports the legally resolved cases of burglary of customer accounts by unscrupulous employees at Bank Riau-Kepri (BRK). The perpetrator is said to be charged with a banking crime.

"This case (burglary-ed) occurred in 2015. It was OJK who encouraged the management of Bank Riau-Kepri to bring this to court because it was a criminal act. Finally, only now the perpetrator is exposed by the police", said the Head of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Riau, Yusri, quoted by Antara in Pekanbaru, Wednesday, March 31.

Yusri said that the completion of the case in court will bring legal certainty and at the same time demonstrate the protection of customers from banking crimes. According to him, this will also show the public not to panic because their money and assets in the bank are always protected.

"Because every customer must be protected unless the fault comes from the customer", he said.

Regarding the stolen billions of rupiah in BRK customer's money, Yusri said that all the money had been returned to the victim.

"The customer's money has been returned. Some of it has been replaced by the bank, and some has been returned by the perpetrator (the suspect)", said Yusri.

The Riau Regional Police have detained two suspects in cases of suspected banking crime that stole money from Bank Riau-Kepri customers of up to IDR 1.3 billion.

Two of the suspects were a woman with the initials NH (37) who was a former BRK teller. Meanwhile, the other suspect with the initials AS (42) is a former leader of the service section at the bank.

The modus operandi of their crime is that the two conspired to break into customer accounts. The suspect NH as the teller wrote and imitated the customer's signature in the Withdrawal Slip Form so that they could withdraw cash from the customer's account.

Meanwhile, the suspect AS as the head of the teller gave his User ID and password, so that the NH suspect could make withdrawal transactions from the victim's customer account.

The customers suffered a loss of IDR 1.390.348.076, namely the first customer named Rosmaniar, the loss was IDR 1.215.303.076. Then a customer named Hothasari Nasution with a loss of IDR 133.050.000, and Hasimah a loss of IDR 41.995.000.

In this case, investigators have secured pieces of evidence, namely 135 original transaction slips from the customer on behalf of Rosmaniar for the period from 19 January 2012 to 18 February 2015.

Then 84 original transaction slips of Hothasari Nasution customers for the period from December 23, 2010 to September 2, 2013, as well as nine pieces of original transaction slips for Hasimah customers for the period from August 14, 2014, to January 23, 2015.

In addition, the evidence confiscated was the NH suspect teller's daily activity journal for the period 2010 to 2015.

The investigator charged the suspect under Article 49 paragraph (1) letter a of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 of 1998 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 7 of 1998 concerning Banking. In addition, the suspect is also charged with Article 49 paragraph (2) letter b of the Law on Banking.

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