JAKARTA - Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) Abdullah Azwar Anas said the Draft Law on Amendments to Law Number 39 of 2008 concerning the Ministry of State (RUU of State Ministries) gave a firm corridor for the formation of ministries by the president.

"With this flexibility, the State Ministry Bill also continues to provide firm corridors in the formation of ministries by the president," Anas said at the 7th DPR RI Plenary Meeting for Session I Year 2024-2045 at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, September 19, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said that the bill stipulates that every ministry formation is carried out by paying attention to the alignment of inter-ministerial government affairs and taking into account efficiency and effectiveness.

In addition, he continued, he also paid attention to the scope of tasks and proportionality of the burden of duty, continuity, harmony, and the integration of the implementation of tasks, and/or developments of the global environment.

Anas emphasized that this was about the change in norms in the State Ministry Bill which no longer regulates the limit on the number of ministries formed, but the formation of ministries is determined in accordance with the needs of government administrators.

"The change and addition of norms in the State Ministry Bill are carried out with the consideration that the president as the holder of government power can determine the number and duties and functions of the ministry based on the need for government administration to optimize government performance in order to realize the ideals agenda and national development programs," he said.

He said that the ministry's institutional adjustments were made to make it more flexible and adaptive in accordance with the needs of the times.

"The preparation of the State Ministry Bill is a strategic step in responding to the times, providing flexibility for the president to form a ministry in accordance with national development needs," he said.

He said that the State Ministry Bill had also provided legal certainty regarding the deputy minister through the abolition of the explanation of Article 10, as a form of follow-up to the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 79/PUU-IX/2011.

In addition, he mentioned the transformation of inter-governmental institutions and the executive realm through the change in the norms of the provisions of Article 25 of the State Ministry of State Bill also emphasized the importance of functional relations between ministries of non-ministerial government institutions (LPNK), non-structural institutions (LMS), and/or other government institutions that are carried out synergically as a government system.

"This will be the basis for functional relationship procedures for ministries, LPNK, LNS, and other government institutions that assist the president in administering the government," he said.

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