Chairman of the PDIP DPP Said Abdullah said the plan for a meeting between PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri and Gerindra General Chair and President-elect Prabowo Subianto. Said said Megawati would meet Prabowo before the presidential inauguration on October 20.

"The meeting of the General Chairperson with Mr. Prabowo, the elected President is just waiting for the momentum of the days. Because the inauguration on October 20 is in our eyes together. We are all getting ready to welcome the elected President, inaugurated on October 20 and God willing, before the inauguration, Mrs. Megawati will meet with Mr. Prabowo," said Said, Tuesday, September 17.

Nevertheless, Said denied that the meeting between Megawati and Prabowo was considered a PDIP stance that softened and joined the Prabowo-Gibran government.

He emphasized that the meeting between the two political parties and the president was to discuss matters regarding the nationality and interests of the Indonesian people.

"Nothing (entered the government, ed). When the two leaders of the nation met together, suddenly we came to the conclusion that the PDI-P was softening, then going inside. Or the two leaders of the nation met but the PDI-P remained outside. So that conclusion was held back first. We are waiting for how these two of them equate their vision in the future to care for Indonesia, advance Indonesia, prosper all of us, the people of Indonesia," said Said.

"If it has something in common, God willing, we will see it for the PDI-P, both inside and outside," continued the legislator for the East Java X electoral district.

Said also emphasized that the meeting between Megawati and Prabowo was not to ask for ministerial seats for PDIP. Regarding the PDIP's attitude, according to him, it will be the same both inside and outside the government.

"If the PDI-P meets and is then given a minister. Or vice versa, the PDI-P does not meet, has not been given a minister, has been raided. There is no story. Meeting this is to show the public, to all of us, that actually politics takes care of public morality. It is important for these two leaders to meet," said Said.

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