The inactive Supreme Court Justice Gazalba Saleh said the KPK Public Prosecutor (JPU) only wanted to embarrass him by displaying his personal photos and conversations.

This statement was conveyed by Gazalba Saleh when reading the memorandum of defense or plea in the case of alleged receipt of gratuities and money laundering (TPPU) which made him a defendant

According to him, the photos and conversations had nothing to do with the subject matter or proof of the indictment. So, it is believed that the prosecutor did it to embarrass him.

"Similarly, the public prosecutor deliberately posted photos and private conversations of WhatsApp at the trial that had nothing to do with the evidence of the elements of the articles charged only to embarrass him," Gazalba said in a trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Tuesday, September 17.

Gazalba also seemed to be tolerant of the action. Because, he actually prayed for the prosecutors to have their sins forgiven.

"May Allah SWT forgive the sins of Mr. Wawan and his friends and provide their sustenance," he said.

Previously, in his pledoi, Gazalba also showed his anger at the prosecutor, especially regarding the demands of 15 years in prison.

According to him, the demands are very heavy and beyond reason. Because, if you refer to other cases with a greater gratification value, the demands are lighter than him.

Gazalba also considers the prosecutor to have used his authority excessively.

"If there is none, then the KPK public prosecutor has used his authority excessively, the abuse of subjective power, likes, is full of hatred and blindness, objective and rational law enforcement has been ignored," he said.

Gazalba said the prosecutor seemed to draw up demands with the spirit to take revenge against him for failing to criminalize him in other cases.

"And the spirit of revenge against me is very dominant for failing to imprison me in the previous case," Gazalba said.

In the case of alleged gratification and money laundering offenses, the prosecutor charged Gazalba Saleh with 15 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 1 billion.

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