JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) opened his voice regarding dualism and the chaos of the leadership of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) between the general chairman of Kadin for the period 2021-2026 Arsjad Rasjid and the general chairman of Kadin as a result of the extraordinary national deliberation (munaslub) Anindya Bakrie.

Jokowi emphasized that Kadin's dualism is an internal problem for the organization. Jokowi opened up to meet Arsjad and Anindya, but did not want the hot ball to him.

"Anyone met me. I am open, there is no problem. But once again solve the Kadin problem internally Kadin. Don't push the hot ball to the president, that's all," Jokowi told reporters after inaugurating the Indonesia Islamic Financial Center area at the Danareksa Tower, Central Jakarta, Tuesday 17 September.

Jokowi explained that he was very close to Kadin and often visited the organization's events.

"During my 10 years in office, I was close to Kadin. I didn't come to Kadin once or twice. In the past, it was good with Pak Surya Bambang, both with Mr. Rosan Roeslani, both with Mr. Arsjad, both with Mr. Anin (Anindya Bakrie), all right," Jokowi explained.

Jokowi said Kadin was not a political organization, but a businessman organization. "So I ask for it to be resolved properly within the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Don't buy the hot ball to me later," he continued.

Previously, the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Supratman Andi Agtas emphasized that the government would not interfere in the conflict that occurred in the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. "If we are in the government, this is actually Kadin's internal business," he said in Jakarta, last Sunday.

The government, according to Supratman, in principle follows what has been stipulated in the Kadin's articles of association / household budget (AD / ART).

Supratman stated that Anindya Bakrie's official appointment as chairman of Kadin was still waiting for the issuance of a presidential decree (keppres). "The rules are like that, but later all presidential decisions will definitely go through the harmonization process at the ministry," he explained.

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