GORONTALO - The General Election Commission (KPU) of North Gorontalo Province, stated that one candidate for regent (calbup) in the 2024 simultaneous regional head elections (Pilkada) was declared ineligible (TMS).

"One candidate for regent is Ridwan Yasin. He came to register in the regional election accompanied by a candidate for deputy regent of Muksin Badar. Both are supported by PDIP," said North Gorontalo KPU chairman Sofyan Jakfar in Gorontalo, Antara, Sunday, September 15.

Before it was declared that TMS was in accordance with the results of the verification of the improvement of the nomination administration requirements, his party invited Ridwan Yasin to come clarifying his status as a convict.

He (Ridwan), said Sofyan, came to the KPU office on Saturday, September 14, 2024 at 10.00 WITA accompanied by a candidate for Deputy Regent of North Gorontalo Muksin Badar and his supporting party to clarify the status of the convict.

"The person concerned is still serving the sentence upheld by the Supreme Court Cassation Decision Number 327 K/Pid/2024 on April 25, 2024," he said.

In the cassation decision, the Supreme Court stipulated a six-month prison sentence for Ridwan Yasin, but this sentence was imposed in a one-year probationary period.

According to him, the cassation decision is an improvement over the previous decision from the Gorontalo High Court with number 67/PID/2023/PT GTO issued on September 22, 2023.

He explained that the decision changed the initial decision of the Limboto District Court with Number 18/Pid.B/2023/PN Lbo dated August 3, 2023.

"According to the results of the verification of improvements and consultations with the Indonesian KPU, he stated that he was not allowed to participate in the election because of the convict's status. He (Ridwan) is still serving his sentence," he said.

Therefore, he said, his party consistently stated that the prospective regent Ridwan did not meet the requirements (TMS), while the other candidates would be declared eligible (MS).

The North Gorontalo KPU has announced the results of verification of the improvement of the nomination administration requirements through letter number 219/PL.02.2.Pu/7505/2024 on Saturday, September 14, 2024.

Previously, three prospective pairs who registered in the regional elections in the area, namely Ridwan Yasin and Muksin Badar, the pair Roni Imran - Ramdhan Mapaliey, the pair Tariq Modanggu - Nurjanah Yusuf.

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