JAKARTA - The MVA-BN vaccine produced by Bavarian Nordic is the first mpox vaccine that will be added to the World Health Organization (WHO) prequalification list.

"The World Health Organization (WHO) announced the MVA-BN vaccine as the first vaccine against the Mpox to be added to the prequalification list," according to a statement quoting Antara.

The WHO says the Danish-producing vaccine can be administered to people aged 18 and over in two doses with a time difference of four weeks.

After being removed from the cooler, the vaccine can be stored at a temperature of 28$C for up to eight weeks.

"The practice of this firstmpox vaccine is an important step in our efforts to fight the disease, both in the context of the current outbreak in Africa and in the future," said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

According to Ghebreyesus, it is necessary to immediately increase procurement, donations and vaccine launches to ensure fair access to vaccines in places most needed.

In mid-August, Ghebreyesus declared the MPX outbreak in Africa a state of public health emergency of international concern.

Mpox, known as monkeypox, is a rare infectious disease that can also be transmitted between humans.

Usually, this disease is mild and most people recover within a few weeks, but some people may also experience complications.

The initial symptoms of the campix include fever, headache, muscle aches, back pain, enlargement of lymph nodes, chills, and fatigue. Ruam can also appear, usually start on the face and then spread to other parts of the body.

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